Hi all jsut wanted to vent today - i know that i am probably whining (sp?)way to much, my journey could always be worst but it just that i am so axious to get this surgery. i officially started on Oct 21st and have done all of the test, my last test was on Monday EDG Scope, which the nurse stated she faxed over to the surgeon, I called Pulmonary ans she was typing my results as we spoke and i got a call from Endo stating they faxed over labs and clearence, already saw the nutricianist and have last appt on Thursday- all i am waiting for is for my clearnece letter from here. why am i so axoius besides wanting to start living my life? Well my husband has been offered a new job and probably will star mid Jan - company will cover him 100% but out of pocket for me and my daughter is 750.00 a month - so i really need to get a date - Donna @ Dr. Garrison's Office is the greatest - she is looking into available dates for me - she is my angel she is so patient, and always very (what's the word) real - geniune (sp?)
please all send me some good vibes and thoughts
Thanks Teru - Donna is working on that she has been super great I am going to email her - I know she will super busy tomorrow- just call me crazy
its finally sinking in that my husband is taking the new job and im just going bananas - again thsnk you and stop reading us nuts online today
youre supposed to be on bed res****ching Madea "Doctor's Orders

Hi Joanne! tons of good wishes are being sent your way this very minute. i'm schedualed for 12/21 and can't wait to get it over with. I live in fear that something will happen that postpones the surgery. I am so ready for this. Good luck with Hubby's new job..sounds like it will be a year of changes. Hopefully all good! E/m me whenever. Sunny