Stitch Pain! ARG! Dr. Bertha/Abkin/Pupkova's patients...
If your surgeon is Dr. Bertha, Dr. Abkin, or Dr. Pupkova, you know what I'm talking about when I mention stitch pain. They put in an extra tight internal stitch, I believe into the muscle to prevent hernia, bowel obstruction, and leaks. The pain is supposed to last 4-6 weeks. I was fine the first 2 weeks - nothing. Then it hit, and it's been a nightmare it hurts so bad. If I get stressed out and my muscles are tight, it hurts. If I lift my son up, it hurts. If I am really active for a long time, it hurts. It's this awful stabbing burning pain, and I'm losing my mind. Is it supposed to hurt so bad?! I called the surgeon when it first came on, and they said it sounded normal. Tomorrow is my 1 month post op appointment, so I know I can ask them about it tomorrow... but I'd rather hear from someone that has actually HAD the pain I am talking about. Thanks.
~ Kim
Hi Kim - My surgery was on Jan 31st - so I've kind of forgotten the pain from surgery ( like childbirth I guess ) but I do recall feeling like I got hit in the left side full force by a football player in full uniform about 3-4 weeks out. Also I remember a stabbing / pulling feeling when getting in and out of bed on my left side too. I am sorry I don't remember how long it lasted. I did go back to work after 2 weeks and worked partime during week 3 - but back to full time in week 4.
Don't know if my answer helps - but please make sure to mention it again at your appointment tomorrow.
Dr. Abkin was my and my husband's surgeon - and he is TOPS and a true life saver in our book! All of the Dr's in that practice are just wonderful.
Take a peak at my(our) profile when you have a chance!
All the best to you!
Hi Sherri,
Thanks for responding. I don't feel so alone anymore.
I actually read your profile back when I first found Dr. Bertha's group and decided on them for my surgery.
I went back to work full time at two weeks out when I was feeling just fine. It was the week of Thanksgiving, so it wasn't a full week. I do okay at work. That's when the pain really started. I just can't use the Therma care wraps right on the area, like they suggested in the pre-op class, because it actually makes it worse. However, if I put it on my back it helps. Weird, I know. I will definately ask the doctor tomorrow about it. I can't wait for that to be over. Overall, I feel great. I do well with my protein shakes and I do okay with my eating.
Thanks again,

Hi Kim - you are most welcome - never feel alone - I am just an email away and would gladly be there for support if you need it - I am blessed to have my hubby as my sounding board, and know it helps to talk to someone that's been through it!
More memory is coming back now - and I do remember feeling great in week 4 - then feeling like I got hit in the side the next week - and got worried - I did use a heating pad too - but it did help me. - If it works better on your back - then put it there!!
Hang in there - it will only get better!! Give your body time to heal.
Take care,
Revision on 05/01/14
I was just glad they warned me about that left lower incision before my surgery, or I'd really have been worried. It hurts pretty bad for a while, and I was freaked out by the size of the lump there too. I started to worry that I had a hernia, but then the swelling started to decrease and the pain stopped. I'm sorry you're in so much pain, but it should go away soon. It can't hurt to ask the doctor about it tomorrow, to put your mind at ease. Congrats on your weight loss so far, and good luck on the rest of your journey.