* obstructivesleep apnea
hello everyone - good thursday to all - it is thrsday right? well today i went to see my pcp she got a letter (request) from my dietician to draw bl for chem panel especially iron ( i am semi-anemic sp?) while i am there i get a calll from the pulmonary office telling me they have rescheduled for me to take a 2nd part of the sleep study? something to do with a mask - the weird thing is they called me at the pcp office to come in tonight should i be worried? i spoke to one of my friend who has wls 3 yrs ago and she told me that there was a lady who she saw at her check ups that that her surgery date moved up do to obstructive sleep apnea - now you know i am freaking out. has this happened to any one?
you mean moved closer, or further away, I would suspect that with apnea, it would be put off a few week to ensure that the apnea was being treated and under control. that you were compliant with useing the system, it take a little bit of getting use to. I suggest that you ask your doctor to prescribe a heated humidifier unit , and a bipap, or auto pap, if you have to pay a littlle extra copay it is well worth it, you will live with that machine for about 5 years before getting a replacement. and it will make a world of difference in comfort. I can go on for an hour about that. been on it for ten years. sleep apnea can kill you , it is not just a inconvenence.or anoyance about snoring. do not stop because you stop snorring. you will need a sleep study to stop therapy. U must tell the anesthtist you have apnea, and not to use certian narc drugs, and to be watchful that you start breathing on recovery, apnea has a special effect on wake up after surgery, not a big deal if expected. take your mach to the the hospital, and use it. use when ever you nap. or sleep once you start. email me for more info, they dont call it a co morbid for nothing.
Hi Walter...
Great info... Thanks..
Some clarification please....
If after I fo my sleep study, they find I have sleep apnea... what happens before the surgery, during the surgery... and I read above something for 5 years after surgery...

I don't have apnea but what he is trying to say is that apnea doesn't just go away once you are diagnosed you have it and will need assistance breathing during sleep for a while.. It is important to let the doc's know this before they put you out for surgery because it impacts the meds they use and the machines to ventilate. Sleep studies are necessary to set the bipap or cpap settings and associated machines properly... and will be adjusted from time to time as sleeping changes and with wls patterns should change due to wl. The years are relative, I believe he just chose that number arbitrarily... could be longer, could be gone tommorrow.. I suggest you research apnea for your site.. there is a lot of info out there about it and sleep centers are popping up everywhere these days... ask your pulminologist I am sure he has lots of literature you could probably ad to your site and links regarding this topic..
Weight is a major cause of apnea.
Best wishes on your journey,