8 month 2 week weigh in for me
Hey NJ people hope all is well. I haven't been around much lately, been getting all those fall chores done. Also started to do some Christmas shopping in between. Seems like there hasn't been alot of posting going on. It's important, so please post as often as you can!
Although I have been busy, I did find time to see Dr. Brolin on the 18th of November. It was officially 8 months and 2 weeks since my surgery. I find it hard to believe that much time has passed. I haven't seen him since the second week in July and it is not like I missed him terribly(although he is my savior) I was anxious to go and get weighed. I don't know if any of you remember but I never weigh myself. I listen to people on here getting nervous when they have a stall and didn't want to be on that same emotional rollercoaster so I never get on the scale, unless I see Dr. Brolin.
My 3 major visits went like this, down 35 pounds after 2 weeks. Then the second week in July, my 4 month visit, down a total of 103 pounds. Now my 8 month 2 week check up I am officially down 167 pounds. I have almost lost half of myself! My weight was 366 and now I am 199. I am off all of my meds. My knees don't hurt. I am replacing the clothes I bought just 2 monthes ago. Went from a size 34 to a 16.
It's amazing, the whole experience has been wonderful. I have been given the gift of a second chance and I have been reborn into a healthy, happy. normal functioning woman. My life is more beautiful then it's ever been. I thank you all for being there for me and sharing your stories. It has helped tremendously. I love you all!