Hello Friends
I had my surgery on 8/29/05 I am down approx 80 lbs. In 2-3 weeks I am relocating to Little Ferry area to be with my bf. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good surgeon to transfer my follow ups with.
I never expected to relocate. But then again. I never thought I would find the love of my life either
Thank you in advance for any advice

assuming you will be mobil and will find your way arround, I would say you might find dr andrea, in Livingston/south orange convient, He was the doctor I saw for a initial consultation, and he realized that my surgery was quite uniqe and refered me to a specialist in NYC, for a DS, not a fault of DR Andres, actually so did all the nj bariactric surgeons ref me to the dr in ny, but that can be quite a trip for a out of towner, the little falls area is a very busy part of the state, I grew up there, some fine hospitals. I like the St barnabas medical center facility. for bariactrrics you can go to the hackensack university. hospital, reasonble traval. I drive thru little falls daily to work from up north, in ski country toward the city. Its a fast pace area that your moving too.
my mistake, that puts you in hackensack, thats where you want to go then, or go into the city, dr Dakin,pomp, at ny pres, or Roslin and company at Lenox hill, or Dr Herron and Company at Mt sSiania, Or dr and NYU, Ive seen them all , NY is a smorgasborg of wls surgeons, who all worked together on one project or another,or taught together , Pick out which one is in your insurance,and is easy to get to. probaly the doctors at hackensack, and the father son team who does wls and plastics is real good too.
I havent had surgery yet because my case is very unique, very complex and i have three insurance companies all primary, and they dont want to pay for it, but they all have too, and the only doctor who all of the above say can do it does take insurance. so, I am in limbo.
Hi Kim,
I am currently pre op but am using one of the doctors in Dr. Schmidt's group. This group was the first to do Lap RNY in NJ, and Hackensack hospital actually has its own floor for baritrac patients. The group is Laprascopic Associates. They are on this site and I highly recommend them. They were referred to me by a world renoun surgeon in Boston. I hope this helps.