Where in the World has Nannette Been?
Hi guys -- been off the boards for the last couple of weeks and just wanted to catch up.
First, I was on vacation with the fiancee and his family -- a mini cruise to the Grand Caymans - talk about new experiences! Went "snuba" diving for the first time with my soon to be stepson, and generally had a good time.
Then, this past week, I underwent some revision plastic surgery that I thought would be minor, but I am so sore and swollen on my inner thighs and on both sides of my breasts and back! Unfortunately, a minor glitch in this surgery has made one more revision surgery necessary in February. I had so thought this part of my journey was over, so I am disappointed.
Lastly, my home PC has been not cooperating and not allowing me access to the internet. Still trying to get it up and running, so I have been unable to check the boards regularly. Please forgive me. Right now, I am stealing some time on my son's PC and network access!
Also, I posted a date change in the next OCWLS Toms River Support Group Meeting. Please take note and pass on the info.
Thanks - love you all.
Hi Nannette! I'm so sorry to hear that your revision didn't go as well as you had hoped, and that you're in pain. I hope that you're feeling better soon!
I've been bad lately with posting...I haven't even updated my profile. Work has been crazy hectic for me lately, and by the time I get home, it's too late for me to hop on and compose any kind of thoughts. I'm going to make a conscious effort to try to not work as late, and to really get on here more often, as when I was posting and received feedback from others, it really helped me pre-op, as well as during my recovery.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and see you in TR on the 9th!!!