NJ Temp. Disability Insurance

Hello Tracy,
I had my surgery on March 3 2005 i got NJ disability while i was out of work which was for 11 weeks you get the paperwork from your benefits coordinator and she will give you the directions on what you have to do. My doctor just filled out the paperwork for me i gave it to my benefits rep and in like 3-4 weeks the checks just started coming no problem at all. It all will work out fine just get the paperwork and fill it out. See you on the losing side.
the benefits coordinator at your job or at the surgeon's office? My contract ends at my job on the 28th of this month. So when I have surgery I will be out of work. The receptionist at the doctor's office said that I can still collect disability even though I will be unemployed. She said that I will collect against my unemployment (but it will be disability...not unemployment.) I want to have all my loose ends tied before I loose this job, so if there is something that I would need from them, please let me know.
God Bless,
If you go to this link www.nj.gov/labor/tdi/tdiindex.html you can download the forms you will need to apply for temporary disability. There are 3 different parts to fill out. Part A is your personal information. Part B is filled out by your doctor's office, and Part C is filled out by your employer's payroll or HR dept. It took me about 4 weeks to recieve my first check, but I've heard if you send in all the parts together, you will get paid faster. Because my surgeon was so far away it was just easier for them to forward to NJ themselves.
Good Luck,