Hey Gang
Some days you just cant get any respect.
First, I went to the Ocean County Library in Lakewood. Happy to be signed up for a computer... I was singing and whistling a happy tune, thinking of completed projects (imagined) that I can complete better with more RAM memory, faster printer, and a DVD RW CD RW burner.. yada yada yada. I arrive at the pleasant looking brick building a couple blocks from the Strand Theater, the library is a single story brick enclave on Lexington Avenue. Still upbeat, entering the library at 304pm, I traveled across to the Information desk, and Inquired.
Timmy: Where can I sign in for a PC Plus Computer?
Librarian: Well there are none available.
Timmy: ummm I signed up for one yesterday, its only 3 or 4 minutes after, and the policy I thought wa- (interrupted)
Librarian: WELL I dont wanna argue with you, you are LATE: (turning to another librarian) Do you want to go kick someone OFF?
Timmy (putting wallet back in his pocket) Maybe another day..and turned.
Librarian: Well you can wait till four PM and see if one becomes available (in a snotty voice). Timmy *Walks away).
I drove down the street and then realized I was upset. See.. I drove one way .. about 12 miles... to the only library open on a Sunday.. and I was not even 5 minutes late. I was polite, I was friendly, and I felt like the librarian was just plain rude. I called the library, asked to speak to the manager or head cheese (head bookworm?) and registered my complaint. And the Wenc..... ahem. "rude lady" acted like I personally had committed some great infraction. Turns out that the librarian sitting next to the rude one WAS the head cheese, and she said the same thing "You can return to see if one becomes available" I said treating people rudely isnt okay and that signing up the day before according to policy.. well anyway. On the Telephone...The librarian head bookworm(cheese) lady was curt, short, and apologized with as much sincerity as a limp stalk of celery. OK.
One down, headed for the Walmart in Howell,... route 9. Figured my homework day was SHOT ... might as well try and do some errands.
I bought some Clearly American White grape waters (gotta love em.. 18 of them in the cart doncha know) and went to the checkout. I asked, nicely "Please double bag everything.. and only 4 (quarts) of the waters to a bag please? The cashier.. with a heavy drama filled sigh... double bagged the first few items then totally ignored me. She dropped my items on the floor, three times including once over the counter onto MY side... I shrugged... thought to myself...
"Timmy Timmy Timmy........"Timmy ol boy you are not having a good day".
I gave my credit card... signed the slip... and then as I took my bags off the turnstile like they have at Walmarts everywhere... I took about 8 empty plastic bags in a bunch.... or so (in a small section) thinking...
"Well ... I will go over and sit on the bench and double bag this stuff myself"
As I walked away, I said "Thanks" and just as I got outta range (hearing) I hear her say.. "Thanks for taking all my bags". I said.. "What?"
And walked the three or four steps back to the cash register. This short snotty bit... ahem "Rude clerk" says... She says "Louder" THANKS FOR TAKING ALL MY BAGS". I got red in the face, walked to my basket.. grabbed the bags off the top... and walked back... placed the bags down and said "Sweetly"
"Thank you for double bagging all my items like I asked.... NOT !"
I traveled home, and then was curt and rude to my loving wife. I am a cad, a idget... a man of incredible stupidity at times. Following an apology and some flowers courtesy of Stop and Shop (mini Carnations) I realized three things:
-People are people
-Not all people in NJ are rude.. I just got the central rude folks assigned to mid Jersey this day
-Tomorrow is a new day.
I had to vent. Now, at 232 am I will go back to homework.
Shalom and hugs to all.
Timmy Ray
Oh Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, Timmy....
Sometimes it beees like that. You know, it's funny. It seems like people who have to work on Sundays, take it out on the rest of the world. I work on Sundays, but I am a music director for a Catholic Church, so it sort of goes with the territory. I have noticed, though, that there seems to be a mind set that Sunday is a "day of rest". Well, my attitude is, 1) You are getting paid to do your job. 2) I didn't assign you to the Sunday schedule. And 3) Being rude is never right, no matter HOW pissed off you are at your boss/scheduler/boyfriend who drank too much last night and made a pass at your friend/mother who won't give you the car keys, or anyone else!
Hopefully, you didn't let them take that wonderful cheer out of your voice!! I hear it when I read your posts and it makes me smile! I am sure your wonderful wife was understanding when you explained why the grimace had landed in your flypaper! You know, we take those things out on the one we love the most!! (By the way..good touch with the flowers!! Kudos!)
Stay cheery, Timmy! We need you here to keep us up beat! Luckily, when one of us has a bad, bad day, someone else can pick them up and say, "there, there". You know we love you!!
Be well, and stay happy!
That's when you have to think of that old saying, "sometimes you're the pidgeon, and sometimes you're the statue." You were having a statue day! But think of all the great things that statues are other than shat upon. Strong, historic, inspirational. Now think of all the things pidgeons are...hmmm? Keep smiling and buying your wife flowers. A statue with flowers will win every time.

Welcome to NJ Timmy
The correct NJ response is to be rude in return..if rude doesn't get you somewhere, try obnoxious.
No really, it works.
See, folks who transplant here from the midwest, just do not understand that rudeness in NJ is a sign of love and affection. Sarcasm is actually a show of profound respect, and flipping someone the bird? Like marriage...only less personal.
If you want to experience the true love of NJ rudeness, try commuting to NYC on the train.
All of this of course is tongue and cheek. However, I have noticed we are the rudest state I have ever visited. Blame it on the sprawl or something and don't let it get to you. Next time, show them how much you love them..flip them the bird