Next Toms River OCWLS Support Group Meeting
Ok -- here is the "official" announcement of the Toms River OCWLS Supoort Group meeting you've heard so much about! It will be held Friday, November 4th at 7pm at Community Medical Center, Auditorium A. CMC is located at the intersection of Rt 37 West and Hospital Drive in Toms River.
(We meet the first Friday of each month - same place and time.) All post ops and "seriously" pre ops welcome.
Ok - who's coming?
Jen Davis has a surprise for us too -- who's curious?
Hugs to all on this incredible WLS journey!
("still a work in progress")
Revision on 05/01/14
I'm hoping to be there. It looks like I'll be able to at the moment. Hope to see you all soon.
I will be there
I'm so excited! I moved to Forked River for a new job a month ago, and missed my group from North Jersey.
I feel like my whole life has changed from this surgery. (I have lost 160 lbs since February 23, 2005....30 lbs to go
New job at a great law firm, I won a great case at court last week, new apartment, new love...I can't wait to meet you all tonight!