surgery postponed :(
OOh Boy this process can be a rollercoaster ride for sure! Yesterday morning I got a call from my doctors office scheduling my pre-0p testing for today and confirming my surgery for 11/2. So I cleared my schedule at work and started lining up babysitters..... One hour later Dr. Bilof called me and told me he wanted one more test (endoscopic ultrasound) before my surgery just to be on the safe side. So, my surgery is now schduled for 11/21.
I completely respect his decision and am happy he is so on top of everything. It was just that I was on such a high and then one hour later completely the opposite. Up and Down, Up and Down.......
This will all be worth it in the end when I am on the losing side, right?
Hope everyone out there has a great Halloween!!!
Jen V.