Tastes GREAT.. less filling
I have discovered a wonderful new high energy low fat food. It is virtually calorie free, has zero carbs, and is easy to find. Its a must for any person considering WLS Surgery, as well as a staple for those of us that have had the surgery and are on the journey post surgery.
Thats right.
It is ......The little known, often misunderstood staple of human existence. Its funny how much an encouraging word, or a small double entendre will do for ones spirits.
Its partly why the Toms River Group is destined
(hear ye .. hear ye... proclaimation... approacheth) for Greatness.
We have a good number of good natured, high energy individuals who are just beginning to feel confident enough and comfortable enough to share with the exuberance of our own berbosity.... to boldly go where no person has gone before... to share no antedotal information before its time.
Life is short, people.
If you are down.... or feeling discouraged.... EMAIL. POST. Reach out here.. and let someone KNOW. I mean that. Its sometimes hard to take the first step... but **TrUsT mE...
If you contact us you are doomed to have like... a lot of enthusiastic replies : P
I have met a couple of really nice gals via email the last couple of days, both have reached out to me and sent an email.
DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH courage it takes to email someone you dont know? Kudos to you both....I really commend these gals for their ..... obvious well developed ability to assert themselves.
I hope our group continues to grow with such nice people coming by and saying **HEY**.... I wanna participate.
we have each other.
Try to think of a couple ways that you.. thats right..
can make someone you know smile today
(bonus points if that someone is a family member or a member of our WLS community). Do something unexpected, and un asked for... today
(however putting away the dishes doesnt count.. I tried that.... **RE JECTED ** : P ... off the rim... awwwwwwwwwww)
Airball !
Besides... my honey makes all the scheckles that I so cheerfully spend while going to Grad school.... putting away the dishes is the least of that which I should do : ) I cannot share enough about how unique, and how special Sandi is.... she treats me like a prince (despite my always acting like the court **jester) and I am singularly blessed to have her.
BTW.... **SEGWAY*....
Did you know... that I prewash every dish that goes into our dishwasher? By HAND? Its a... partly non describable oddity that I have.... I literally am manic about it. (ask my sweetie sometime.. seriously : ) Growing up we never had a dishwasher..... my older sister visited and laughed manically at me and said....
Gee... Timmy do ya think you might just put em en without pre washing?
I tell you what... I was HORRIFIED. Its like... beans without weanies. Milk without Hershey Syrup. Abbott without....Costello.
""HI... Im Timmy Ray... and .... Im a compulsive Dish prewasher"
(the crowd roars... HELLO... TIMMY !)
Not pre washing?
SOME things are just too horrible to contemplate.
My wife sometimes... (she being the *normal* one of our union) will innocently put a SPOON in the dishwasher (I can always tell too... there is a top secret ritual of order that I use to monitor if anyone has violated the **sancity of the dishwasher**) that is un rinsed.
agggggggg the Stress of it all !!
What do I do?
Of course.. I search for the spoon till I find it.. and then wa**** urgently..... and replace it.
Calamity .. AVERTED !!
(I love you Sandi J and I am blessed to have you as my friend, companion, compatriot, advisor, stalwart Pinochle partner, and mysteriously erotic loving and supportive (censored) (censored) (***censored**).
OK. Now that I am mildly in trouble on multiple levels with multiple people... ahem...
**timmy clears his throat**...
I, the Timmy, Timster, or aka BigDude Gigantor (however I think now I need a new eBay nickname ... hmmmmm WebGigantor? Maybe something without the Gigantor? Suggestions.. solicited gratefully)
I Am officially a **happy Camper**.
Thats right..... a citizen of Happyville... USA. aka... New Jersey.
I live in a Free country, in a beautiful part of the lovely state of New Jersey (mid Ocean County). I am blessed to have met (and claimed.. she is mine.. alllllll mine guys) a supportive, loving and dynamic Amazon gal named Sandi J .... I was blessed to have had RNY Surgery ..... laproscopically even.... done 10 months ago. I am blessed to be almost 200 pounds down from my surgery weight of 601.
I get to drive a sporty....Subaru Legacy GT sedan with a sunroof
Confuscious say... Man who insist on opening sunroof in rain... get wet nappies.....
That nutty looking guy with the baseball...hat backwards, wearing sunglasses at night so he still looks cool.. with the heat on HIGH and the windows and sunroof open, driving in the deluge of rain we have had recently...smiling foolishly for no reason and for all reasons...
Yeah okay.. thats me : ))))
My life gets better and better. In addition to marrying a lovely, sexy and wonderful lady, I am privledged to be in a great support group (the Toms River WLS Support Group) that Meets the first Friday of each month
(November 4th, Community Hospital, State Route 37, Toms River, New Jersey, Auditorium A, 7pm.. dont be late)
I am lucky and blessed to have excellent friends and pals here on the NJ board... and really thrilled to see more people coming online and also to the Toms River Group.
I am pleased and excited to be learning and growing with a great group of people, and glad to have participated in the Obesity Walk at the Seaside Park boardwalk a number of weeks ago.
I am fortunate that the people in my support group dont lynch me for my ..... **comedy liberties** that I so gleefully seize on occassion... ......no worries..... Im here all week....here till Tuesday)
Life is GOOD.
Thank you all for putting up with me.
Thank You Sandi for Marrying my overexpressive self (and never telling me to shut up :P I think I would burst.... the pressure doncha know).
And to think my parents wondered if I was slow because I didnt talk till age 2 . Wow.. who woulda thunk it.
My goals in life are to:
More of the Same.
More friends.
More often.
More opportunities to share about WLS surgery and the journey.
More often.
More posting.
More often.
More telephonic communication to touch base and find out if everyone else is half as busy as I see to be.
More often.
More attempts at tracking the **elusive and reclusive Jack M** and getting him to post.
More often.
In short.. I am thankful.
Ok.. Ok... its early. November is not until next month.
But as I sit @ 458am, on the cusp of the impending explosion of enthusiasm and good cheer that we are about to experience in the Toms River support group .....
(If you post... they will *come* )...
Life just keeps getting better.
My goals include .... learning how to be a genuine, real certified Menche.... and getting better at this Husband thang.....
I am glad that my sweetie is patient and allows OTJ training :0)
I laugh and joke... but the heart and soul of our group is that we are here for each other. If your having a rough day, please email and post .. get to know us.... **All of us** (with the exception of Jennifer D) are happy go lucky and friendly people.
OK OK... Jennifer is too.... joking...joking (made ya blush.. Jenn) : P
Have a super day everyone
Respectfully Submitted for your approval
Timothy Ray S.. III, Esquire,
Third Duke of Jackson, 28th in line for the Polish throne.
(PS.. and if you didnt smile at least *once* during this attempt at levity.. then its definitely Milk of Magnesia time fer YOU )
PSS. HOWEVER... if Jack M doesnt slug me at the next meeting... then I truly AM a blessed man. Hopefully he knows my jests and artful dodges at his expense are in the spirit of good fun.....
Otherwise Im in deep kimche because he looks to be a gentleman of a potent right hook.

Timmy -- you are a riot! You liven up my day with your posts, and the OCWLS Toms River Support Group with your humor, presence and spirit! I am proud to call you friend and fellow supporter.
I didn't hear back from you -- did you receive the group roster I sent you? We're growing all the time and I expect to see lots of new faces at the November meeting. I'll see you then -- are you going to finally drag Sandi with you? It has been soooo long since I've seen her.
Timmy, single-handledly jived up the Jersey board with his presence -- come on everyone -- let's join him, and share a bit of ourselves with each other - we're all in this together!
OK Tim, Wow are you in rare form today. What the heck are you doing up before 5am??!! By the way, you might have to look out for Jack, but I'm silent and deadly. Oh, wait, that's something else!!!! Anyway, just look out cause you'll never see it coming!!!!!! I loved your post and I hope everyone else takes the time to read it. You're the best Tim!!!! Talk to you soon.
Lots of love and hugs, Jen Davis

Love your post. You make me want to move to South Jersey just so I can attend the support group meetings there! I am sure they are a riot! I can relate to your dishwasher dilehma, however, I am one of the evil ones who secretly puts un-rinsed dishes in the dishwasher to tourture my husband now and then. If I feel especially evil I will also run the dishes thru a cycle so the food is all caked on and heat dryed. Horrible.
Somehow our marriage is stlll rock solid and he says he loves me anyway!!
Hope everyone has a great day!
Jen V.

You're funny!... Good Humor - Tastes great - more fat!
This dishwasher issue must be a guy thing....my husband is obsessive about the dishwasher too. I have learned to live with it...actually, he's amazing and I love the fact that he thinks he's the dishwasher czar...I tell him he washes clothes better than I and cleans the toilets better than I do. He can be the wash machine czar and the toilet czar. I'll just clap and tell him how perfectly he does everything.
Good Night,