surgery next week?
Hi all,
Think I might be having surgery next wee on 11/2 which is when I am scheduled for, but not sure. Can't seem to get my doctor's office to call me back. Also, all the necessary doctors have cleared me for surgery, but now the CAT scan ordered by my gastroenterologist showed a swollen left kidney, so now I have to see a specialist for that. But don't know if that is going to hold up surgery. Guess I am at the mercy of my doctor's office.
All things in their time.....
Jen V.

Hi Jen, Hope everything goes ok with your appt. with the specialist!!!! Don't give up on calling the doc's office. They might be busy, but this is also about your health, not their golfing schedule!!!!! Can't wait to hear you on the losing side. Keep us up to date, ok?
Lots of love and hugs, Jen Davis
Jen -
It's Holly - from Branchville
Long story short I changed my profile. My mom (
) & don't talk - she lives in Highland Lakes & she spends toooo much time on the internet. I didn't want her finding out about the surgery.
Keep us updated on your progress. Can't remember are you going to St. Clare's?? Let me know. I have been doing my student nursing on the same floor as the Bariatric Patients at St. Clare's. I have changed my mind and switched from Morristown to there. The nursing staff are EXTREMELY knowledgable on the care of patients. They have a staff dedicated just to the Bariatric patients.
E-mail if you want
I am sooo swamped w/ school that I have a hard time keeping up w/ my e-mails - but I would LOVE to hear from you!
Hang in there!!

Hi! It was great to hear from you. Thanks for your words of encouragement. Good to hear that you are happy with your switch from M'town to St. Clares. I know that St. Clares has a great reputation! I am going to have my surgery at St. Barnabas in Livingston NJ. I am actually having my pre-op work done there, just to become familiar with the place before Wednesday, which is supposed to be my surgery date. I just talked to a friend of mine who is a nurse and she seemed to think that cysts on kidney's are common and as long as my blood work comes back ok for kidney function, I should be on for 11/2. It is approaching so fast I am a little overwhelmed. I havn't cleared my schedule at work because I wanted to be sure of the date first.
When are you scheduled for surgery? Do you have an angel yet? I would be happy to be yours if you would like. Let me know.
I am looking forward to Halloween with my kids on Monday, and this being the last year I have to buy a plus size costume!
Take care and have a good day!
Jen V.