I have a date!!!!!!!
I can't believe it is really going to happen, and I can't believe how fast it all happened. I went for my consult on August 29, 2005. Had my echo and psych eval the week after that. Had my sleep study on September 22. 2005. All test results came in, insurance approved (Medicaid), so there is actually no pre-approval. The office just submits the bill. They called me to come in for another office visit to schedule the surgery date on October 18, 2005 and the doc offered me October 27, 2005. Guys!!!! That's next Thursday. I'm having laparoscopic RNY. The bummer was that the doctor HAD to inform me that if there was a problem getting to the stomach (because I have a gallbladder removal scar), then he would have to do an open RNY. I really started to get scared about that, but then I calmed and said "Whatever it takes". He then said to me that he just had to tell me that just in case, just like when they tell you before you go under anesthesia that you could die and they make you sign a waiver. This has been the most surreal two months of my life. Can't wait till it's over. I would really love to hear from anyone who has had a successful lap RNY. I live alone and my family is in Texas. Could use some suggestions on how to get by being alone in the apartment?
Congrats on your up coming surgery!!! That is fantastic news!! I myself had open RNY so i am not up to date on lap procedures. I just wanted to wish you the very best!!
Good luck and keep us updated!
It might not be busy here, but some of us do read here everyday
354 lbs pre-op
201 lbs currently

Revision on 05/01/14
Congratulations! Best wishes for a successful wls journey. I had a lap rny on 10/10/05 and I didn't have any problems at all. I'm married, but I actually begged my DH to get out and do things after I came home. He had taken the whole week off, but I found it easier to be by myself. That way I could rest when I needed to without any distractions. If they are able to do it as a lap rny, you'll probably be feeling pretty good by the time you get home. I had my gallbladder removed (laparascopically) in Oct 2003 and I was lucky enough not to have any major scar tissue or adhesions in the way when they did the rny. I was worried that I would and that they would have to switch to open, but everything went fine. Good luck with your surgery. I'll keep you in my prayers for a successful surgery and a quick, easy recovery.