support group needed
I am getting married in four weeks and we bought a house in Eatontown. I had my surgery in April (lap band) and go to my monthly support group meetings at Lenox Hill. It is pretty easy to attend since I currently live in Manhattan, but I was wondering if there are any support group meetings closer to home.
Dr. Kurian
- 52
Although Eatontown is NOT right around the corner, the OCWLS (Toms River) Support Group would welcome you with open arms! We meet the first Friday of each month at Community Medical Center, Aud A in Toms River at 7-9pm. E-mail me if you need more information.
There is also a meeting of Dr Borao's group at Monmouth Medical Center - no need to be his patient to attend. His group is on Thursday, I think it is the third Thursday each month.