Got the nerve
Hi all,
I finally got the nerve to tell someone outside of my family about my upcoming surgery. I was chatting with one of the (built like a brich s---house) physical therapists at the water therapy place today, and I mentioned how excited I am about the WLS. She was very interested to hear about it and she look genuinly happy for me. Now you might wonder why I say "I got up the nerve". Well even though I'm standing there with a high 50's BMI, and I'm in a bathing suit, I kind of feel wierd talking about weight stuff, cause of course, no one would notice my size unless I mention it
See ya,

Hi Laurel - Some people "tell" other's don't - it's a personal choice, and I feel there is no right or wrong - whatever you are comfortable with. I for one ( my husband for two) tell anyone who asks "how'd you do it?" that we had this life saving / changing surgery & opportunity! I look at folks now and think - boy they could benefit from this surgery - but I would never go up to someone and preach - (although that is just what I feel like doing) - not so much preaching - but spreading the word that there help out there - that there is life after "fat" with WLS!
I'd like to wish you only the best on your journey - follow all your Dr's & Nutritionists orders and you will do fine!
Take care,
P.S. -I find the more I loose - the more nerve I get - so watch out!!
Hi Sherri,
Ya know, I have a feeling that once I finally get the surgery, I'll be mentioning it to anyone and everyone. Right now, mostly, my close family and very close friends are in the loop. It was liberating talking to an "outsider" the other day at my aquatic therapy place, because, currently, the WLS is the top thought on my mind. Usually, I'm such an open book, and not talking about it was difficult. While I'm waiting for approval from insurance, I feel like it's almost a jinx to tell too many folks in advance.
Funny thing, about a year and a half ago, I quit smoking. (after smoking for at least a million and two years), now I'm the reformed smoker from hell. Hopefully, after the WLS, I'll be the reformed overeater from hell.
Take care, and continued success,
Hi Laurel
Dont feel bad, I didnt tell my FAMILY until the day after surgery, the day after christmas.. (boy.. was I in trouble : P)
Our sister in WLS posting on this page is right, its a personal choice. I am like her in that, as I get further along the more I am excited, encouraged, and wanna share. So., I hope things continue to get easier for you in sharing... and let us know if we can encourage or help you in any way. Okay?
Hang in there, Be encouraged !!
Timmy Ray
Hi Timmy Ray,
Thanks for the encouragment, and thanks for nudging the NJ folks to post and answer more. I does seem that we can use a little excitment on this board. Ya know, the people in my family that I always "share" with , already know about my upcoming surgery, and the family members (even though we're closely related) that I don't feel close to, I haven't mentioned it to. I figure, if they're close enough for me to tell that I had a manicure and pedicure, then, they're close enough to tell that I'm having the surgery. After the fact, If anyone asks, I'm sure I'll tell them, but I don't think I'll go out of my way to inform them. ****il I look really hot.) he he he
Take care,

I can totally relate to what you are feeling. I work at an incredible office with great people, great THIN people. I know that some of the people here would not understand about WLS and feel like it is the "easy way out" and that I must not have tried hard enough... bla bla bla....
So I chose only to tell one person here, the person who will have to cover for me while I am out! He was great about it and is happy for me. But I am not sure when I will tell everyone else, if ever. I guess only time will tell.
I find it is really hard to "just bring it up" to people. I told my parents and made the mistake of saying " I am having surgery in November." My mom almost passed out. I had to wait for her to take a puff on her inhaler before I explained that I was OK and it is WLS, not anything horrible.
I totally agree with what Sherri said, it is a personal choice! Good luck with your upcoming surgery!
Jen V.

Hi Jen,
Thanks, and I know what you mean. Ya know, interestingly enough, just like you said some will think "ya took the easy way out", since I put on A LOT of my extra weight in the last 2 years, I hear the old " you should never have put on all that weight" line.
#1. as If I don't know that, and
#2, as if I could unring the weigiht gain bell.
If I had one extra wish, and a genie in a bottle, I like to see all the people that have never had a weight problem have to deal with one for just one month. I know...dream on.
Take care, Laurel
P.S. boy, that was quite the rant, wasn't it?