Vitamin Help!
Hi all! I'm in the market for new vitamins. I was originally taking a liquid multivitamin and liquid calcium (Tropical Oasis for both), and am almost out, and would much rather take something in pill form that I can't taste and gag to!
I'm also taking Bariatric Advantage Sublingual B-12, Bariatric Advantage Chewable Iron, and Biotin.
Any feedback on what's good out there would be greatly appreciated! Any reviews on Vista Vitamins and/or Bariatric Advantage? Anything I'm lacking?
Thank you mucho!

Hi Wendy Wendy !
Sorry I have had my head outta whack of late, I havent posted due to being so swamped.. my apologies.
Vitamins? I use chewable childrens. I take .. 6+ a day. I also eat a lot of cheese (calcium) and drink one protein whey drink a day with about 16 oz of skim fat free milk. At six months... all of my vitamin levels were excellent.
My wife Sandi uses.. chewable Adult vitamins... I think she takes two a day? She takes a fiber pill and I think a calcium pill, I cant say for sure (but I will ask). : )
Early, I used Vita Mist spray vitamins... successfully. but it was spendy.. about 40 or 50 dollars a month, with a Mens Formula, A calcium, and a B complex sprays.
Basically there are a LOT of variations that will successfully deliver the vitamins you need... monitor closely with your doctor and find one that works for you that you can tolerate or enjoy.
Me? I looked on the side of the bottle, figured I am gargantuan sized (well I was.. now I am mid gargantuan :P) figured normally (pre surgery or normal) I would as a guy over 200 pounds (well okay I was over 600 but you get the picture) that I would have taken *two* chewables as an adult.
I then... guesstimated... and settled on 6 because of the mal absorbtion issue and my size..
I have done this since April... at seven months (July) all my levels were 100 percent or better. For ME.. childrens chewables work because I like the taste (hey I was deprived as a kid and never had em).
So.. I hope that helps?
Again whatever mix of liquid, spray, or chewables that works for *YOU*
(one lady in the Toms River NJ group claims a Centrum cut in half works for her.. shrug.. dunno about that one ; P ) But so far her vitamin levels with her surgeon are on track... so then its a good thing.
Good luck !
Hey post and tell us how your doing? I miss ya and hope things are progressing for you well. I am doing okay just super busy not even time to catch my breath (but working at posting more :P)
Hugs.. Hang in there
Your fellow Loser in WLS
Timmy Ray
Hi Wendy -- I LOVE the Vista Vitamins - the capsules (gel), not the chewables (I hate all chewables)! I have been taking the Vista since I was about 4 months post op, and noticed my hair stopped falling out after a few weeks, and an increased energy. They are easy to remember to take since you take one packet (4 caps) in the morning (before I leave for work), and another packet (4 caps) in the evening (before I turn out the lights for bed) -- No juggling of calcium, iron or B-12. Make it so easy.
And now, back to our regular programming.....
Wendy Wendy !!
Your getting almost as bad as I am ! Your nearly AWOL young lady... take a second this week and post a long newsy post and tell us how your coming along?
This is your official angel type dude scolding (with a good natured grin of course)
Seriously.. how the L are you doing? Write and catch us up willya? Us intellectual redneck type people (speaking solely for myself of course) wish to acertain the status of your overall well being and the... awww it was easier with less words.
How are you?
Have a super New Joisey day !
Timmy Ray