Starch Carbohydrates??
I was told from my Doctor that I will never eat more than a 2 oz portion in my life. I was also told that I could not eat any starch carbohydrates. Is this the same for everyone? A man that I work with had the same surgery and he eats pasta for lunch all the time. His portion sizes are not big but he eats PASTA!! Can anyone let me know what is the truth.
Candice Colkitt
West Deptford, NJ

Hi Candice welcome to the NJ board
If you posted before my apologies, this is the first time I have seen you.. so a hearty howdy howdy.. and a big welcome either way.
Carbs. Truth? YES you can eat small amounts of pasta. I WOULDNT... especially the first year. And the idea of carbs in any amount frankly makes me anxious. If you do decide to eat protein... If you do.. then look for the pasta in the brown box that has PROTEIN added (Bariax or something.. name starts with a B..) That way at least you get SOME protein when you eat pasta.
But beware... you CAN train your body to accept pasta all the time.
I think that its a mistake to do so... as its a lot easier to maintain weight loss by focusing on protein first. And if you can learn to not eat carbs, and do well and stay healthy... well thats better I think.
In the END.. its totally a personal choice.. but the ... advantage we get on lifelong weight management with the WLS RNY surgery is something that is possible to squander. SOME people gain some or all the weight back. For me, I dont wanna be one of those folks : )
Early on its so vital to get protein, vitamins, water and exercise and set up good habits so when our weight loss LEVELS out we are set for the rest of our life with good, newly developed habits?
Later, we still need lots of protein but the foods that we can eat (at goal or after a year or 18 months) increases, as does the amount we can eat.
It is SO important to eat protein first and foremost.. that I dont eat pasta or carbs, or bread at all. I had a small helping of pasta at about 6 months.. with Ragu sauce and it made me sicker than a DOG.
I tried some pasta at dinner about a month ago and it was okay. But I realized.. I do NOT crave lasagna.. and without carbs I am still losing 15 pounds a month. This is important for me., because I still have 200 pounds left to go.
My theory is: If you eat pasta or carbs (which your body can manufacture in small quanities anyway.. and which is the majority of what fat is stored in our body) then you are wasting effort in food you eat.
You HAVE to eat a lot of small meals, and get in your protein.
Your body does NOT make protein for its own use.
My wife Sandi showed me in May when I arrived in NJ that we CAN get all our daily protein from food. Its a challenge... and to be honest I still use one protein whey drink a day (breakfast) to make sure I am getting my protein.
Look at it this way:
At first, you could almost eat barbed wire and nails.. literally.. and you would lose weight... RNY bypasses part of the intestine.. and restricts our stomach to a pouch.. very small.
Later we can eat a little more.. and weight loss is harder.
We dont NEED carbs... what carbs I choose to eat are mainly in like brocolli or veggies. I used to LOVE lasagna.. and bread.. and wraps.
Now I dont desire them.. and I am hopeful that I dont crave them again. I was obese for most of my adult life.. and feel blessed to have had the surgery.
About Myself and my wife...we both have had the surgery, she has lost about 160 pounds and is near goal... surgery date 3/04 .. I have lost about 181 pounds so far, my surgery was 12/04.
A little background about me.
My name is Timmy Ray, I had RNY Surgery in December 22nd, 2004 (about 10 months ago) I have lost 181 pounds. I met my wife Sandi (on the WLS obesity help *singles board*) in February, we met face to face May 3rd and married May 16th, 2005.
I dont know if I answered your question?
If you want to know what we eat as a couple, as two people with WLS surgery in common holler, I would love to share the kinds of things we eat successfully... it works well and I give my wife full credit for teaching me and helping me develop discipline.
Timmy Ray

Two Ounces?
Depends on your pouch I guess. I wont call your surgeon a liar.. at first (right after surgery) I could only eat about 1/4 or 1/2 cup.Now.. at 10 months I can eat about two cups of food. I am hopeful that I keep at that level.
I never get hungry, ever. If I get busy or stressed sometimes I forget to eat... which is not good... I did that for a couple weeks without paying attention and my hair (due to lack of protein) started to fall out.
SO.. yes.. later on you *likely* will be able to eat a little more... but we always will be at reduced size meals *UNLESS* a person stretches their pouch. Thats why support is important.. to use the surgery as a TOOL to a changed lifestyle.
Hope that helps : )
Timmy Ray
Hi Candace!!
Ok, here are my thoughts. I have been able to eat more than 2 ounces right from the start. That's not a good thing, but it's ok. I have also tollerated all foods right off the bat. I have lost 77 pounds in 4 months, so I am doing well. Now, as for carbs, etc.
I have looked at this as a "FOR LIFE" thing. I know that in my life, I can not and will not eliminate an entire food group. I don't think it's a good thing and I don't recommend it. Having said that, I must stress that I eat protein first and foremost. I have gotten to the point that even though I COULD eat certain things, I chose not to. I simply ask myself if a certain food is of any benefit to me. If the answer is no, I generally don't eat it on its own. Now, if it's a side dish to some nice healthy protein, then I will have a little bit. I feel that I am better off to have a little than to WISH I did, and eventually fall TOTALLY off the wagon and make myslef sick. Am I making sense?
I have had a small piece of birthday cake on my daughter's birthday, a little bit of ice cream, a taste of a few things that are not conventionally "diet" foods. I am much more satisfied with a little "taste" than I ever was. I don't feel the need to pig out on anything anymore. I think having a little taste now and again really helps that. As for pasta, you have to sort of make a deal with yourself. If you have pasta...which, by the way, used to run through my veins... just go easy. For me, that was a real red flag thing, so I waited a few months before I had it. Now, I can easily have a few forkfuls with my dinner and be fine with that.
All in all, just remember that this is a VERY individual and personal journey. Maybe if I didn't taste here and there, I would have lost another 5 pounds. I don't know. I know I am happy with 77 and that I will lose more. I am not in a race, except my race for good health. I know that our mental health is also VERY important. I don't want to live feeling deprived, but proud. So, I say, I CAN have whatever I want... I simply CHOSE not to have certain things, or to really limit them.
With that, I wish you all the luck and success in the world! You'll see what works for you! I am sure you will do well. If I can help in any way, please feel free to write!
Hi Candance
I am also a patient of Dr. Slotman's
I do eat pasta, but very , very seldomly. I do eat 2 oz portions as well. You just have to know your limits. I had the surgery to live normally and i won't say no to everything. Sugar is one thing I WILL NOT touch though, but I am diabetic so I don't eat it anyway.
Good luck with everything!