
I'm home!

on 10/12/05 2:29 pm - Keyport, NJ
Revision on 05/01/14
I had my rny on monday and I came home a few hours ago. It was uneventful except for a rise in my bp during, and a rapid pulse post-op. They brought my bp down with meds during the surgery, and it was back to normal when they finished and sent me to recovery. My pulse hasd been very rapid since the surgery and the docs aren't sure why. They did a leak test, echocardiogram, doppler of my legs, and a ct scan of my abdomen to look for an abscess. Fortunately, everything was negative and I was discharged only a few hours later than expected. We're chalking it up to stress and anxiety at the moment. I feel terrific and am having practically no pain. I'm hoping that the rest of my recovery goes as well as it has so far. I hope you're all having a great night! I'm off to now. Goodnight all. Carol
on 10/12/05 9:46 pm - Belvidere, NJ
Wonderful Carol! Congratulations and welcome to the losing side. I wish you a speedy recovery! Jean
Timmy R.
on 10/13/05 2:55 pm - Millinocket, ME
JEAN ! How are you doing? We havent heard from you in a while (this said tenatively as the Timmy Ray (that would be me) has been sorta AWOL of late :P). Share with us how your weight loss is going? Anything interesting going on for you? We are all interested in your progress.. so come share and if you have shared recently and I missed it.. I give you permission to hit me up side the head : ) Have a super day.. its good to see you again !! Take care Timmy Ray
on 10/13/05 4:00 am - Denville, NJ
Congratulations! I hope your post-op recovery and getting back to routine etc.. is successful and without complications. I had my surgery with Dr. Abkin two weeks ago (9/26/05) .. and if I'm not mistaken we both share the same name! I was at the hospital on Tuesday evening for a post-op support group meeting and was told by the nutritionist (Debbie) that the other "Carol F" was currently in for her surgery, too! All the best! - Carol Fox
on 10/13/05 4:15 am - Keyport, NJ
Revision on 05/01/14
Yep, that would be me. That was an interesting situation. Everytime I called they had to get my birthdate to verify my identity. I was wondering which of us was having surgery first. Now I know it was you. Congratulations and best wishes. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. If you ever need an e-mail buddy, feel free to contact me. Disp226@msn.com Carol
Timmy R.
on 10/13/05 3:23 pm - Millinocket, ME
Carol ! Cbf ! Carol ..Two! (am I seeing double?) Double trouble.. two carols from North Jersey having WLS surgery from the Same doctor in the same week? woo : ) Welcome to the NJ board ! How did your surgery go? Please come tell us more about yourself, and feel free to ask lots and lots of questions.. okay? We are a pretty open group.. and we have a super enthusiastic group that meets in Toms River the first Friday of every month. *kracckkk ZZZZ >>> !!! That sound and light flash was inspiration striking the Timmy Ray ) Maybe you and the *other* Carol F* could carpool some time? Its at Community Hospital on Hwy 37 (I think) in Toms River, at 7pm the first Friday every month.. its a super nice group.. and the ladies are all very supportive . Seriously. Hey I know I am bold and blunt and rude (sorry :P) Hey its an idea. Seriously you guys would love our group (no.. Im not biased.. not at all) Anyhow... we hope you post more and tell us about yourself : )) Welcome to the NJ Board : ) Have a super day Timmy Ray
on 10/14/05 1:08 am - Denville, NJ
Thanks for the warm welcome to this online forum and community... I enjoy reading the messageboards for information, guidance and support. If I'm ever in the vicinity of Toms River, I'll do my best to drop by. For the time being am quite pleased with the support group(s) affiliated with the Morristown Memorial Hospital. .... bonus too that I live within 10 minutes of the MMH. Unfortunately, Toms River is a bit of a hike for me ... almost 2 hours .... and to think of travelling on the Garden State Parkway late Friday afternoons/early evenings ------ EEEEEEEK !!! Take care, -Carol
Fran P.
on 10/15/05 5:19 pm - FLANDERS, NJ
Carol, Welcome to the loosing side!!! I too, have Dr. Abkin as my surgeon. I had surgery on May 17, 2005 and I have 7 more pounds to go and I will have lost 100 lbs. I have a lot more to go as I started out super morbidly obese. My only regret is that I did not have this surgery sooner. I have not tried the Morristown Memorial Hospital support groups yet...When and where are they held??? I live in Flanders,N. J., are you in Morristown? Carol, please feel free to email at any time. All the best to you along this journey to a happy and healthier life. Be Well, -Fran
Timmy R.
on 10/13/05 2:51 pm - Millinocket, ME
Carol !! Welcome to the NJ board. Please come online when you can, and from the Main NJ board post a entry about yourself? Tell us how your surgery went, a little about yourself, or just share with us what is on your mind? We are a fun group, many of us are in the Toms River WLS Surgery support group, there is also a group in Monmouth NJ that some of us attend. You are VERY welcome here on the NJ board, its good to have you here : )) I am a student at Monmouth University, in the Grad program. I met my wife here on Obesity Help, and I am hoping that you like our group here on the board, and come post OFTEN : ) Post a question, share a story or ancedotal information, or sometimes come VENT, and yell a bit, this board is *your* board too : ) I want to encourage you, and please let us know if you need anything? Congratulations on your surgery... I am 10 months out so if you have anything that you need or any questions.. dont be shy : ) Have a super day.. and again welcome to the NJ board Timmy Ray
on 10/13/05 3:08 pm - Keyport, NJ
Revision on 05/01/14
Thanks for the nice welcome Timmy. I had planned to attend the TR support group last friday, but there was too much to do before my surgery. I'm definitely planning on being at the next one. It sounds like a great group, and just what I need as I start my "new life". Carol
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