Hi!!! - I'm Jen! (Part-2)
I fought for 1.5 years with Aetna/United Healthcare to be approved. Jumped through every hoop, took every test, was on every pill then 3 days away from being approved they called to tell me that my husband's employer had a line written into the policy that no one ever caught that excluded coverage for weight loss surgery. I was devastated!!! :'( Just as things looked their bleakest, a ray of sunshine. My husband's company just happened to change insurance and went with Oxford Liberty Plan (PPO). No writer-in exclusion to coverage allowed!!! I was approved after the first letter and had my surgery about 3 months after I started the process with Oxford.
Now I'm out of the shadows and feeling really good about my life and looking forward to what the next 6 months will bring. Hopefully a happier, healthier and smaller me!!!!
Thanks for listening and getting to know me better. I invite anyone to e-mail me or respond to this posting.
All my best,