2 Week Check-up!
OK Timmy I take the challenege
Well what a 2 weeks I have had!
I had surgery Aug 2nd.
First 2 days were rough as me and pain meds don't mix. I had the dry heaves for 2 days - something you dont want with stomache surgery.
When I had the upper GI series - I threw up all over the poor tech.
However - the nursing care was terrific and the hospital looked like new.
I was at Pascak Valley.
As soon as I got home I felt better.
The journey now is figuring out what I can eat.
I have no trouble so far....in fact I could get liquids in so easily I asked my surgeon, Dr. Kollar, if he really did the surgery!
Had my 2 week check-up yesterday and Dr. Kollar took out the staples.
What a relief!
Anyway besides this last Sunday night during a bad storm we lost out power. I lit a candle - you know one of those yankee candles - and as I settled down to read Oprah I noticed that the floors on the end table looked a little dry so I thought I'll go throw them out....well when I looked into the living room from the kitchen my lamp shade was on fire with flames to the ceiling! I must have dropped a petal on the flame and it flared. I dropped a pitcher of water on it and in between filling up pitchers I would run outside my townhouse cul-de-sac and yell FIRE FIRE.
It took 8 dosings to go out. Fire department helped get all the smoke out but I have 3 floors of soot and a cleaning company here. They even took all my clothes....I hope that half the clothes I will never be able to wear again!
(Hey if anyone needs some 30/32's let me know! They will be nice and laundered)
Anyway it's been an adventure - I'm just waiting for some piece and quiet!
Carol R
Wow Carol - talk about LUCKY!! My brother had a house fire caused by a candle whose glass jar had broken and set his bed, curtin, nightstand, wall..... on fire. He tried to put it out and burnt his hands while fighting it with a blanket then a fire extinguiser, while yelling for his sons to get out of the house and call 911. This was 2 days before Christmas, 2004.
Fires can spread so fast! He recovered well from his burns - with no surgery needed, thank goodness, and insurance paid for the clean-up and repairs.
You have an angel on your shoulder. Best of luck to you for continued success from your surgery.
All te best,