Charity care patient who needs surgery
I have a friend who is on charity care *****ally needs surgery. Can anyone recommend a physician/hospital in New Jersey who is willing to take a patient who is n charity care?
Thanks for your help in answering this question.
[email protected]
Probably not. I worked for a surgeon and know that charity care will only cover the hospital. I don't know if the hospital would even cover cost of that type of surgery. Plus with all the testing from different doctors it would be difficult. Can she apply for medicaid?
Good luck to your freind I hope everything works for her. Maybe Cooper hospital can work with her
Charity care will pay for the hosipital, but thats it. Not even anesthsia. There are medicaid waver programs for people who need extra care. Even if they dont qualify other wise. Also if your friend is so big that she cannot work she can get SOC SEC & receive Medicare, they pay for the surgery too.
Good luck to your friend.