OT: Desperate in NJ

Renee C.
on 6/1/05 10:51 pm - Ewing, NJ
I've already posted to the Dog forum, but I know alot of you are here on the NJ board as well so here goes! Good Morning all - I need some help fast! I have 2 mixed breed pit bull dogs, 1 male about 4 yrs old and a female who is about 2 yrs old. Since they were both strays and in a shelter, we can only guess at their ages. The problem is my girl, Noni. She is always desperate to be loved. Licks you constantly yet is very demanding and can be down right pushy when she wants her way. She has taken to peeing in the house lately, though she was always very good about going outside from the time I 1st got her. I'd say this problem started about the time after I went back to work after my WLS. So about the end of March or so. She has lately taken to getting in my roomates room and peeing on her bed or on her floor. Her room stays closed most of the time to keep this from happening, but last nite for example, as soon as she got up to use the bathroom, Noni took off like a flash and went and peed on her bed!!! I know I wouldn't be happy at all if my dog was doing this to me - I have to find a way to help Noni to stop but have no clue where to start. Another example is that she was outside for about 3 hours laying round in the sun (Noni loves to stretch out in the sun), when she came in she peed on the floor. What's a mommy to do?? HELP! I don't want to see her go back to the shelter. But she seems to be a little off somehow. THe peeing is the worse but there's more; running away, teaching my good calm boy to be bad, tearing up the house if left out of her cage during the day, etc. One more time HELP! And thanks Renee
on 6/2/05 5:32 am - NJ
Renee - maybe Noni needs to be crated when you're not at home, and kept on a leash with you when you are home until she learns the rules. You might want to check out this link to the Nothing In Life is Free te*****ue. (Just take out the space and paste in your browser address bar.) http: //k9deb.com/nilif.htm Good luck!! Hugs, Nancy -110
Renee C.
on 6/2/05 9:43 am - Ewing, NJ
Nancy - thanks so much for your help - I already read the NILF! - I'm excited to find a way to help- she's going to the VET on Saturday and we're starting some of the technique right now! Thanks again so much. Renee C.
Robert in V.
on 6/7/05 2:21 am - Nunya, VA
How about leaving the dog outside where dogs are supposed to be
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