Fran P.
on 5/11/05 2:04 pm - FLANDERS, NJ
Hi everyone, ~~ I got a call from the surgeon's office early this evening...some of you have asked me to let you know the details when I got them... DATE OF SURGERY: MAY 17, 2005 WHERE: MORRISTOWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY TIME OF SURGERY: 1:00 P. M. (ONE O'CLOCK) I NEED TO BE THERE BY 11:00 A. M. (ELEVEN O'CLOCK) AFTER SURGERY & RECOVERY IF ALL GOES WELL....I WILL BE ON JEFFERSON 1 (ONE). Please pray that my surgery & recovery are successful & uneventful... For those of you that can, please remember me to your place of worship that all goes well and that God may guide the hands of the surgical team and all those that care for me. I want to thank all of you once again for your on-going prayers and support. This has become very real since it is so close to happening and I just pray that I can be as peaceful & positive as possible going into to surgery. I feel very Blessed to have this opportunity to begin to live a happier and healthier life, and to start living instead of just existing trapped in this body. All that are having surgery this month, I am praying that you too have a successful and uneventful surgery and recovery. For all of you post-op's who are already on the losing side, keep up the good work. God willing, I'll see you there after Tuesday. LOVE U, Fran
on 5/12/05 11:40 am - San Antonio, TX
Fran I will come and give you my support on the 18th. I am proud of you and will be there for you. Lola
Fran P.
on 5/12/05 1:02 pm - FLANDERS, NJ
Thanks Lola, you are so sweet. Looking forward to meeting you. I am in very much pain, knees, shoulder, neck, legs. I hope this surgery will take some of the arthritis and fibromyalgia pain away, it brings me to tears it is so bad. I have a really high pain threshold, but this is awful. Please pray that it is eased so that I can walk some after surgery. Hugs and Love, Fran
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