Can you lessen hair loss post-op?

on 5/8/05 10:13 am - Irvington, NJ
I've read several posts from people who said they lost a lot of hair after surgery. Can this be avoided or minimized? My hair has been growing for the last year, and it is really thick, just touching my shoulders. Will I have to cut my hair short again? Small price to pay for better health, I know; please forgive my vanity. Thanks!
on 5/8/05 12:38 pm - NJ
I've known seventeen people who have had WLS... every one of them had a different "method" to keep thier hair and every one of them has had hair loss after surgery. Usually starts somewhere after 5 months and can last as long as 10-12 months (mine lasted from 5 mos post op to 8 mos post op, so it was approx 3 months with month 2 being the worst) Now theres good news and bad news....... The bad news... there is no miracle cure, and if you up certain vitamins or add any additional protein in the diet it will not help. The good news... this is by no means permanant. You will NOT go totally bald, your hair will just "thin" out. You will NOT get bald spots, the hair loss is spread through the whole head. You (and maybe your hairdresser) will most likely be the only ones who notice (you'll see the hair at the bottom of the shower) Just depressing for you but you wont have to cut your hair short. The way I got through it was I thought "Well, my body is getting thinner, now my hair has to catch up with the thinner me." Not necessarily a true statement but it kept me from pulling out more hair than I was losing. I'm 14 months out now and my hair is back to its thick, luxorious self My best to you- Janine
on 5/11/05 10:13 am - Irvington, NJ
Hi Janine, Thank you so much for responding ! I like your "mantra" for handling the hair loss - I hope it's not copywritten because I would like to use it . 14 months out - congratulations! God willing I will see you on the losing side too. Thanks again! Michelle
Candice C.
on 5/9/05 2:36 am - West Deptford, NJ
My doctor says that the hairloss usually starts between 3 and six months after surgery. Eating enough protein will help to minimize the loss. You need to eat 63 grams of protein per day. I am in my third month and eat plenty of protein each day and I haven't lost any hair yet. Don't go and cut your hair off. Just wait to see what happens. Besides you won't be bald, it might just thin out a little. Also, it isn't permanent! It will grow back! But, to be on the safe side make sure you eat enough protein. Hope this was helpful, Candice
on 5/11/05 10:21 am - Irvington, NJ
Hi Candice, Thank you too for responding ! A coworker of mine who had WLS said the same thing. I am going to start really checking my protein now, just to cover all my bases. I've been keeping food logs for my nutritionist, but I've slacked off on my protein drinks/egg white omletes in the last month. Gotta get back on that and get back on the straight and narrow. Thanks again! Michelle
Susan Hegarty
on 5/14/05 10:44 pm - Easton, PA
Hi Michelle Unfortunately, there is nothing your can do to prevent the hair loss from happening. I started last month and I have always been up on my vitamins, protein, biotin and flax seed oil. Your body goes through a lot of changes with the weight loss and we lose hair because your body is trying to draw more nutrients and the hair and nails are the first place it is taken from. It is only a temporary thing though. I was terrified because I have very thick hair and it was coming out like crazy and every time I ran my hands through it I would have at least 5-6 strands in my hand, not to even mention what the shower drain looked like every day. I had very long hair pre-op and have gotten it cut above my shoulders a week before surgery. For me, I am glad I did because I could have knitted a sweater with all the hair I lost so far . It has slowed down a lot now and it will grow back Susan LAP RNY 11/24/04 378/270/190
on 5/19/05 8:27 am - Irvington, NJ
Hi Susan I am thinking I may cut my hair a bit, just to make this a little easier. I have a parakeet that sits on my shoulder and pulls on my hair with her beak. I can see her now coughing up a hairball like a cat Thanks again!!! Michelle
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