Hello Marie, I was at Dr. Andrei's symposium Thursday night. He gave out envelopes with directions to his office in Livingston and business cards. Here is the email address from the back of the card: [email protected]
If that doesn't work you may want to call the office (973) 322-7265
Thank you....I called Robertwood hospital and they gave me his phone number.
I am now waiting for him to call me back today.
I am almost 2 years out. lap-band with a loss of only 20 pounds. been very sick vomiting everything including liquids for about 6 to 8 months.
I either need this thing out or a revision to bariatric surgery. at this point I think I just want it out, but i wont give up just yet , till I talk to him today.
Thanks again
Marie aka [email protected]