here we go a bump in the road..

on 4/26/05 12:19 am - Camden, NJ
this has been a hard couple of days..well i have a consult for may 18th on the good end but i have no way to get there.. see my mom is 62 and she never did like driving on the high way even tho the place is only 35 minutes away she just get so nervous, so knowing this i asked one of my friends and she said yeah she would take me(this was before i made a consult date) so she is starting a new job soon and she said as long as its after May 6th that i make the date and i let her know before then so when she starts you know she can say she needs that day i mean sure fair enough i call the place and ask can i have an consult after May 6th they say they are kinda filled up so i will need to have one after that i am thinking great so i take May 18th at 2:30pm not to early and not to late you i tell my friend she like thats fine blah blah blah ..i get all happy because last year when i was tryna get the surgery this is the part that held me up getting a ride there and left me crying many days about it.. so then she goes and says something like yeah if i can get the day off and do it..and a lil red flag goes off in my head god it doesnt seem like she wants to do it so i have been worried that she may back yesterday she tell me she dont think she can take me because on the 19th which is the next day she has taffic court..okay now traffic court is at 830 am in the morning and she only has to show the her registation and she doesnt have to be to work till 330pm i mean thats 7 hours she would have to be in court to not make it to work and i know court can be long but not that kinda court.. so i am just so worried and i wont have a ride and i will have to cancel like last year and i just dont wanna do that..i feel like its so real now..i am praying about it hoping god sends me an angel or make a way.. i dont hold nothing against my friend but its like if she couldnt do it thats all she should have said and i wouldnt have cared i would have just waited to make my consult when she my question is are there any places that like provide transport for these kinda visit and stuff like that i think there isn't but i still wanted to asked..i am just so upset just crying and praying but if anyone knows about anything please let me know aight thank you...
(deactivated member)
on 4/26/05 12:31 am - Paradise Regained, NJ
Margaret: If the consult is just 35 minutes away, maybe a bus or a taxi service could get you there? P~
on 4/26/05 1:20 am - Belvidere, NJ
Yeah, I'd go with a taxi. I am just curious, you are 19 and don't have a license yet?
on 4/26/05 1:24 am - Camden, NJ
well thank you for your ideas but yes i am 19 and dont have a license i have my permit and also have taken the drivers part twice but failed i kinda wish not to get into that its just another thing to be upset about..but i have went to the website for njtransit and tried to make a trip planner but it isnt giving me any way to get there so i was thinking of calling them or going up there because so many people have been saying try that.... thank you tho
on 4/26/05 2:49 am - Camden, NJ
Hi Sweetie! Just calm down a little and let's try to think this through..... Where do you have to go in Philly??? If it's outside of the city, it may be a problem making connections, but center city is easy. Perhaps a surgeon who is closer???? I just had surgery three months ago at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital. The doctor who does the surgery is Dr. Slotman and he is in Cherry Hill on Haddonfield road across from the old racetrack site. It's only about 10 0r 15 minutes outside of the city. There may even be a bus from the terminal down town! Why not give him a call???? He's been doing the surgery for over three years now and has a very high success rate. Email me if you want to talk okay!? Hugs! Jacqui 288/233/158?
on 4/26/05 7:08 am - Clayton, NJ
Hello, I'm a Social Worker out of Camden. If you have medical coverage you can ask for medical transportation which is through Welfare. THey will provide all transportation with advance notice. I think you have to have medicaid. So check with them. The number is 757-8800. Good Luck Remember , God does everything for a reason. When on e door closes, he opens another. You must have faith and trust in him. He will answer all your prays.
Courtney E.
on 4/26/05 11:14 am - Beachwood, NJ
Hey girl-- Worse comes to worse, call a taxi service. You will get there! I'll be praying for your too, but keep your head up. It'll work out in God's time. --Courtney
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