I'm back to the boards :-D

on 4/22/05 1:18 am - East Brunswick, NJ
This is cross-posted in just about everything I write in because I'm not sure how long I'll be able to deal with sitting at this computer. Surgery went great! I was in recovery by 12pm on Monday. Walking to the bathroom by 4pm. Dr. Ward said the surgery went without a hitch. I feel great. I had a little issue w/ nausea on Tuesday night, but that's all done with now. I was out of the hospital by 12 on Wednesday, drain ou****er in hand and happy. By 12midnight I was back at the ER w/ some bleeding. Luckily they think it's just because I have some hemorrhoids... PHEW! I never thought THAT would be a relief to know!! LOL, I KNOW TMI! Ok but anyway, to make this entry short and to the point ... here are my FIRST Friday Pro's and Con's! Cons (first so that I don't end all depressed) -funny incidents keep happening to make me loose my mind (Bruce falling on my stomach, a ceramic cow falling on my head) -I can't figure out HOW to get in more than 20oz of ANYTHING in one day yet. -bleeding BAD -my insides are rearranged? this is both pro and con -I've already lost part of my support group to idiocy -It still hurts to sleep on my side -NO WAY and I trying my stomach! -I don't feel like talking to anyone on the phone PROS- -I've lost 11lbs in 5 days -My family and friends KICK ASS!!! -Dr. Ward is amazing, and so is Kate!!! -I CAN sleep on my side (although painful) -My insides are rearranged!!! -I'm recovering quickly and feel almost normal already Anywho, I'm sure there's more, but they'll come as the weeks pass. Peace, Michelle
on 4/22/05 12:24 pm - Bridgewater, NJ
Congrats, Michelle, and I hope you continue to feel better. I'm jealous of you sleeping on your side - it took me more than a month to be able to do that. And my boyfriend went to get up one night and "pushed off" using my middle - that wasn't so great, so I know how you felt with that. Good luck! Jen
on 4/23/05 4:12 am - NJ
Congrats on your successful surgery Michelle. I think all of your pros and cons are pretty normal - the good news is that the cons usually end up becomeing pros!! Don't worry about taking in more than 20 oz. ~ just do your best and things will improve. Best wishes for continued good health!! Hugs, Nancy -107
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