I made it to the "Century Club"!!

Susan Hegarty
on 4/21/05 1:03 pm - Easton, PA
Well, I made it. As of today I am down -100 lbs and a member of the century club ! So many blessings have been coming my way, from a new job to a new outlook on life. I am able to do things that I wasn't able to physically do before. Just the other day I was coming home on the train and was sitting in a seat made for 2 people. Four months ago a small child wouldn't have been able to fit next to me, I couldn't stand up without my belly hitting the seat in front of me. Well the other day an average size gentleman sat right next to me and I wasn't even crowded. I was so filled with a sense of accomplishment it was rediculous . I am able to walk 5 blocks to work and six blocks back to the train in the evening and stil go home and walk 4 miles. I am able to stand for a long time and not be in excrutiating pain. What a miracle this surgery has been for me. I just wanted to share my happiness with my amos family. Thanks all and God Bless Susan 11/24/04 378/278/190
Courtney E.
on 4/21/05 10:58 pm - Beachwood, NJ
Susan---how good it must feel! Congrats on your HUGE sucess. I'm am very happy for your. I jsut hadmy surgery on March 21st and i'm down 29 lbs so far--it feelsl ike -100 is so far away. You have such a great attitude and really deserve your happiness. Keep up the good work!!!!! --Courtney
Laura H.
on 4/22/05 2:32 am - Belford, NJ
WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! Way to go Susan !!!!! CONGRATS !!!!! Laura 238/150/135 Down 88 lbs. !!!! 15 lbs more to go !!!!
on 4/22/05 4:45 am - Lyndhurst, NJ
Susan , Yay !!! Kathy
on 4/22/05 4:58 am - NJ
Susan! You look FANTASTIC !!! I am so proud of you! What a wonderful feeling!! You must be on Cloud 9! Keep up the great work!! Hugs, Christine 257/185/137
on 4/22/05 11:06 am - NJ
CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a huge accomplishment!!!! Way to go! (But geeez, could you set the bar any higher for the rest of us?!?!) Marie 295/248/goal 150
on 4/23/05 4:04 am - NJ
WooHoo for you Susan!! That is so awesome!! I'll bet you feel like So many great things happen when we lose all that weight!! Ain't life grand!! Looking forward to meeting you at the convention!! Hugs, Nancy -108
Dawn H.
on 4/23/05 8:18 pm - Jersey CIty, NJ
SUSAN CONGRATULATIONS ............. you look wonderful..So happy you are feeling better .. I know it took you a long time to get here.. Dawn
on 4/25/05 12:49 am - New Brunswick, NJ
WOO HOO!!! Congrats! Keep up the good work. Congrats on the new job too. Hope to see you at the support group meeting at the New Brunswick Hyatt on the 5th at 7pm. Sherri
on 4/28/05 1:00 am - Cranford, NJ
Way to go SUSAN!! Keep up the great work!! ~Kristin
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