on 4/10/05 9:26 am - NJ
LOL - We put our house on the market and it sold in just three weeks (we knew it would go quickly). We have finally made it through attorney review on our new one (closing June 30th). Over the past several days we have been doing major clean-out of items we no longer need (i.e., at least 100 trips up and down the basement stairs). I AM DOWN TO 186 !!! I cannot even believe it! It's like I lost 10 pounds overnight! My size 14 jeans and shorts are FALLING OFF OF ME! At the beginning of this journey, I figured a size 14 would be about the lowest I would probably go. Now I am really starting to see that I will probably surpass my own personal goal of 150 and shoot for my surgeon's goal of 137. I cannot even believe how "small" I feel. I have NEVER felt this way!! My BMI went from 41 to 29.1 in less than four months! I am down 71 pounds, and I couldn't be happier!! I just had to share... Hugs, Christine 257/186/137?
Laura H.
on 4/10/05 10:14 am - Belford, NJ
WOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Christine !!!!! Way to go !!!! Thats great news and CONGRATS on selling your house too !!! Keep up the good work Laura
on 4/16/05 6:27 am - central, nj
Hello LITTLE Lady! I am so happy for you I am done 53lbs since my surgery and I have a way to go. But yesterday I went into a store and the guy at the checkout said "what a Pretty lady you are!" I felt like I did ten years ago just from that one comment. So good luck on your house deal but keep on trucking down the slim road...with ease Arlette
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