Help needed!!!
Ok all...I have been through a VERY VERY rough couple of months and lately I think I have been off track. Any advice on how to jump start the loss again? PLEASE??? Or basically any advise on how to get back opn track would be Awsome!!!!!!!! I've just been such an emotional mess that I really haven't been doing what I should be... Should I go back to my clear liquids/protein drink stage??? Clueless I tell YA!!!!
I have not gained anything but I can just feel that I'm headed down the wrong path..Time to buck up, and get right pack on track to the new me...
I know there are some lovely people out there with wise words...
Hi Christine
I'm really glad to see a post from you its been so long since we have talked. I not sure if I have any wise words but I would go with increasing your protein and maybe your fluid intake. Rember if you need to talk I'm always here. So hang in there !!!! And keep up the good work you looser !!!
Take care
Hi Christine
Glad to hear from you. First of all sweetie you can get back on track. Remember you are beautiful and everything you went through to get to this point. My first advice is go to a support group meeting. I feel that I need to go to keep on tract. Everything will be fine. Take it step by step minute by minute. E-mail or call if you need to talk. You are in our thoughts and everything will be fine. Love Ya Kathy