Feeling down? Have some gratitude...

Susan Hegarty
on 3/15/05 9:13 pm - Easton, PA
Good morning everyone I have been feeling kinda blah lately and telling myself I should be losing faster and wanting the progress "now"! Well, in therapy last night I was asked about some of the good things that have happened with my weight loss so far and to list them, and believe it or not, it made me feel so much better and realize that where I am at right now is a great accomplishment and doing this has given me back the gratitude I so easily lose. Here is my list, I would love to see what others have to say... Since losing -81 lbs... -I can cross my arms -I can wear a seatbelt comfortably -My belly doen't get in the way o the steering wheel -I actually can pull my car seat "up" -I can cross my legs -I can sit indian style -My office chair seems to have gotten bigger -I can walk 4 miles -I can tie my shoes -I can pick something up from the floor of my car without asking for help or getting out of the car to do it. -My shirts seem to have gotten "longer" and my stomach doesn't pop out of them. -My back doesn't hurt -My clothes are falling off, instead of riding up and ripping at the seams -I fit into regular size chairs -I can go to the mall -I can park far from a store and still shop for 2 hours -I take the stairs at work instead of the elevator -I don't snore. -My knees don't hurt -I get comfortably full from "1" lean cuisine. -I can use the arms of a chair now like they are meant to be used -My shoes fit correctly -When I sit, my stomach doesn't cover the length of my thighs. -I can reach my butt and other parts of my body I haven't been able to in years. -I can feel a sense of accomplishment and actually see results!! Whew Now that's alot to be greatful for!! God Bless and Have a wonderful day!!! Susan 11/24/05 376/295/190
on 3/15/05 10:00 pm - New Brunswick, NJ
Susan, 81 pounds! WOW that's great! Hope you can get to the support meeting on the 28th at the E. Brunswick library. It starts at 7:30 and you might be able to make that, given your work schedule? Hope you can. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! Sherri
Susan Hegarty
on 3/17/05 3:48 am - Easton, PA
Hey Sherri great to hear from you. And thanks for the heads up on the E Bruns meeting. I will be there . Why are they having it at the library and not the hospital? Kinda different huh? Susan
on 3/16/05 11:38 pm - NJ
I have not come as far as you (yet) but I can definitely relate to wanting things to move along quicker!!!! I've lost 28lbs. but for the last week or two, my weight goes down 3 lbs then the next day up 3, down 3, up 3.... It's been driving me nuts! And making me feel like my loss is slower than it should be, etc. Sometimes I look at it like I really should have lost more by now (5weeks post op) but then other days I think, if I keep up at this pace I'll be doing ok. UGH.... I guess that's what they mean when they say it's a roller coaster ride! Some of my size 24 clothes are getting loose, but they still fit. Not down a size yet. Soon I hope. BUT, I do have a few important things I'm really grateful for: --My knees have not hurt in a couple of weeks!! --I sleep better, am feeling more rested in the morning. --My husband notices the loss, even though I can't see it yet. Have a great day!
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