five week post-op question

on 3/5/05 1:15 pm - Monmouth Junction, NJ
I'm five weeks pos-op, the longest I didn't throw up was four days. Today I threw up 5 hours after a small meal. Can anyone out there relate? I had an upper G-I done & everything is fine. Did anyone else experience this & will this go away?
on 3/5/05 9:32 pm - NJ
Hi Amy- It takes alot to make me throw up, I hated doing it preop and post op was no different... I think I did 2x's since my surgery a year ago. HOWEVER my friend Kelly had the surgery 4 years before me and she throws up all the time- still! Some people do... some people dont. Unfortuately, you do. Be CAREFUL!!!! It creates havoc on your teeth- my friend is 34 and has a whole mouth (minus a couple) of false teeth now because of the vomiting. The reason I'm responding is because you said you vomited 5 hours after a meal. What was the meal and what came up 5 hours later? How did u feel for those 5 hours? Did u feel ill? Did u feel like something was stuck? If I were guessing, it sounds like if you had anything left after 5 hrs to come back up, it could be that you had something stuck and finally got it to come up. Try chewing better... about 20 more chews of whatever you're eating. Make it small and mushy before you swallow. Take your time between bites. If you feel like somethings stuck, a couple of sips of water during your meal wont kill you even if you were told no drinking with food. The sip might pu**** down or even help it come up faster than 5 hours later. Let us know how you're doing -Janine
on 3/6/05 12:45 am - Monmouth Junction, NJ
I ate egg whites (about a tablespoon full). I didn't start to feel ill until about three hours later. Not much came up, just mucas & whatever what there before. I think I chew slow enough, I know I'm eating the right foods. Lots of people told me this is normal in the first 8 weeks. I think mentally I get worried & maybe I make myself vomit, I'm not sure. Thanks for responding, Amy
on 3/6/05 9:12 pm - Bridgewater, NJ
I've only thrown up from eating too much - one bite over the limit and I have to go hurl. I've only thrown up about six times in the year since I had surgery. I'm sorry that you're having this problem. Eggs haven't agreed with me since surgery. Are you keeping track of what you're eating? You may be able to discern which foods don't agree with you. How are you with protein shakes?
on 3/6/05 9:13 pm - Bridgewater, NJ
One more thought - if you made the egg whites with oil or butter, it could be the grease that's bothering you. Jen
on 3/6/05 12:54 am - NJ
I had a really grouchy pouch for the first couple of months. I did end up having a stricture and an ulcer at about the five week mark. Stay in close contact with your surgeon if the vomiting continues. I find when I eat something that gets stuck (I still have problems with denser foods: fish, beef, etc.) a thick, protective mucus forms. It continues to form for quite awhile, and it's not the food I'm throwing up, it's the protective mucus. Same old suggestions: eat slowly, small portions, chew and chew again. Hope everything settles down for you. Hugs, Nancy -102
on 3/6/05 2:14 pm - Howell, NJ
Amy, sorry to hear al you throwing up problems! I have been so lucky I have not thrown up once thank God. I am 5 weeks out Tuesday and I feel great. I am not sure how much I have lost as I did not buy a scale as they suggest. I go to the doctor Wed and I will wweigh then. I can tell i have lost with my clothes and in my face plus over all body measuements. You hang in there I pray all will get better got you.! Take care and God bless Joycelyn
on 3/6/05 10:49 pm - Monmouth Junction, NJ
Thanks again for everyone's response. I chew as much as possible. I think I'm OK with my protein shakes. I try to drink them first thing in the morning. I don't think its one specific food (I hope).
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