Fran P./ Surgery, March 7th. Post-Poned

Fran P.
on 3/4/05 12:29 am - FLANDERS, NJ
Hi Family, Thank you so much for your support, I could never, never do any of this without all of you and God. I have had to have my March 7th surgery date post-poned. I started Optifast liquid diet today. My surgeon wants me to lose at least 25 lbs. to help my surgery to be as safe as possible. I have been informed that this should take approx. 7 weeks. This will be difficult, so I ask that you all continue to hold in your thoughts and prayers. I am disapointed but I also want to be safe. Thanks, my love to all of you. Big hugs and Love, Fran (In Jersey)
on 3/4/05 11:19 am - Durham, NC
Hi Fran, Was reading your profile. You need to update it so I can read more, lol. I'm guessing your nearing the end of your journey now. Great for you. Is this optifast diet all liquid for 7 weeks? I've heard of other people being on this but don't know the specifics. Good luck, I know you can do it. Looking at your profile, it looks like you've done alot and spent alot on this journey so far.
on 3/4/05 12:21 pm - Forest, VA
Hi Fran, I just had to respond to you since I am also "Fran P." My maiden name started with a "P". Anyway, good luck to you and I hope you do well with the Optifast diet. I did Optifast about 10 years ago and did okay with it, it will help you lose the 25 you need to, but it would never hold you out for the long term, so for once, I think it has its use. I am sure that you will be able to get yourself healthier for surgery and your liver will shrink and be nice and soft for your surgeon to maneuver around in there too! I will say a prayer for you and please keep us posted when you get a new date. God Bless! Fran
on 3/4/05 11:06 pm - NJ
Hi Fran, Of course you're disappointed that your surgery has been postponed, but I know that you want to go into it in the best possible health. Try looking at it as step one in your journey to good health!! I'm sure losing that 25 lbs. will help with the surgery and recovery time...and hey, you'll have that much less to lose!! Hang in there! Hugs, Nancy -102
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