
Lisa M.
on 2/22/05 4:31 am - Ocean Township, NJ
I had WLS Nov 1997. I have lost approx 200 lbs. The problem now is, I am severely amemic. I had to get iron intravenously (which took 5 hours at the hospital) and now I'm starting B12 shots. Is anyone else having this problem? I also have such severe diarhea. I'd love to hear from someone that is going through the same this as me. Thanks.......Lisa
on 2/22/05 10:32 pm - Lyndhurst, NJ
As a pre-op this is one of my biggest fears. My mom has always expressed the importance of vitamins and minerals and the malabsorbtion factor completely freaks her out. I heard some where that post op bypass patients only absorb 10% of the supplements they ingest. So how can one possibly even cover this loss? I know a surgeon will reccomend bypass for me over the lap band because of the amount of weight I need to lose but I fear future problems with anemias , calcium defeciency and the nerve damage that can be caused by lack of B12. Any long term post ops have any feedback on this ? Kathy
Lisa M.
on 2/22/05 10:38 pm - Ocean Township, NJ
Thanks Kathy. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I would love to hear from others who are having the same problems.
on 2/23/05 12:32 am - Cranford, NJ
Hi Lisa, I had my wls 2 years ago and although I can not relate to your current situation, I would like to know if you always had problems with anemia. I have been thankful for the past 2 years, my bloodwork coming back with no problems. Just wondering if this is something I should be concerned with. Thanks, ~Kristin
Lisa M.
on 2/23/05 1:49 am - Ocean Township, NJ
Hi Kristin, First, let me tell you.....your photo is great. Congrats on your weight loss. Second, thanks for your reply. I never had a problem with anemia or vitamin absorbtion. I became anemic 5 years after WLS. And it's just getting worse. After much testing, I was sent to a hematologist last month. He gave me B12 shots and iron intravenously (this took 5 hours at the hospital). But it seem my iron is starting to get better. But I have to have these injections every month forever. My case may be rare. I haven't heard of anyone else with my problems. That's why I posted my message to this see who else is having the same problems. So far no one. That's good news for you. Stay healthy and take care..........Lisa
on 2/23/05 10:48 pm - Cranford, NJ
Hi Lisa, I wish you lots of luck and pray this part of the journey is short lived. Thank you for your kind words and please keep us posted on your progress. ~Kristin
on 2/23/05 9:41 pm - Bridgewater, NJ
Lisa, It's not clear from your messages if you had been taking vitamins consistently since your surgery and whether or not you were having your blood work done on a periodic basis. Were you taking them? My surgeon advised me to take vitamins, and I have been taking a multi with iron, a separate B-complex, and Calcium (calcium at night and iron in the morning - they interfere with eachother.) At my six month follow up, I was low on B, so now I take B nasally. Last month I wasn't able to give blood because my iron was low, so now I'm taking a separate iron also. Even before surgery I was anemic off and on. Anyway, I feel a difference - low B and low iron can cause feelings of fatigue, and I feel better now. I'm getting ready to have my blood work done for my one year, and then after that it will be done at least annually. I'm wondering if you have been having your blood work done, because it takes time to develop such severe deficiencies and it should have been picked up in your testing, if you were having your blood tested. If you haven't been having your blood tested annually, then after you finish your high iron and B treatments to resolve your current issues, and you get into a normal vitamin routine, make sure you do your blood work so that you can monitor your situation and prevent such severe deficiencies in the future. You may want to talk to your doctor about Calcium as well. There is a test for blood calcium - it's not the best indicator of what's going on, the best is a bone scan but insurance companies don't like to pay for that if you're young. You can talk to your surgeon or your PCP about it, whoever you feel comfortable with. Some PCPs are ignorant about the malabsorption, but they should be able to interpret blood test results and remedy any items of concern. Good luck. Jen
Lisa M.
on 2/23/05 10:06 pm - Ocean Township, NJ
Hi Jen, Thanks for your response. Since my surgery (11/97), I have taken daily a multiple vitamin, iron supplements and calcium. I had blood work done every month for the 1st year. Then twice a year for the next 2 years. Now annually. My blood work was always normal until 2 years ago (5 years post-op). My iron has decreased tremondously within the past 2 years (I have never been anemic before), Going from 12.2 (2003) to 7.1 (2/2005). I was recently sent to the hospital to get iron intravenously (this process took 5 hours). Next week, I start getting daily B12 shots. My calcium and vitamin D are also low. I am currently seeing a Hematologist for the vitamin deficiencies. It took 2 years for my PCP to decide to send me there. He didn't know what else to do. My PCP had me on prescription iron (cromagen) which I took religously, but never absorbed. My hemoglobin (as of yesterday) is now 9.8 after the iron intravenous. Yeah, I'm on the mend. Thanks again for taking the time to respond. Take care and good luck.
*linda* J.
on 2/24/05 9:15 am - belmar, nj
Hi Lisa, My sister had WLS back in 1990. A few years ago she became anemic, began getting iron transfusions. Now she will always need B12 shots. She also had some colon problems which lead to surgery and several inches of her colon removed. The first 10 years seemed to go smoothly, she lost loads of weight and has gained roughly 30 pounds back since 1990. Hope this might be some help? love, linda
Lisa M.
on 2/24/05 11:14 pm - Ocean Township, NJ
Thanks Linda, It's nice to know I'm not alone. I wish your sister the best of luck and good health. Take care.........Lisa
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