Giving in to my evil head hunger!

Susan Hegarty
on 2/15/05 10:08 pm - Easton, PA
Hi all I read alot of posts on the board this morning and can relate to all of them. I have been so upset with myself lately. I have been giving in to the head hunger and not even trying to fight it. Not only am I giving in to it but I am making very poor choices. I realized that I can eat pretzels and popcorn with no problem at all. And this is how I rationalize the insanity...Heck pretzels are 0-1g of fat and what the heck and healthy pop popcorn is low in calories and fat and the I cant believe its not butter spray has practically no calories or anything in it. So instead of using these things as a treat I am abusing them already. One serving of pretzels is like 120 calories...a snack size bag of minis is 160 calories!! Not to mention loaded with the dreaded carbs!! Same thing with the popcorn...carbs, carbs, carbs. Fitday is helping to point this out o me and making me see I can be using these calories in a more beneficial way. I hear that song in my head constantly, here I go again on my own!! And I am wondering why the weight loss stalls? I need to re commit to stop this insanity. I didn't fight so hard to get this far and just get the f%$& it attitude already.....OK, I am breathing Feels better to get that off my chest, thanks for listening to me whine. Susan 11/24/04 375/306/190
on 2/16/05 6:38 am - NJ
Hey Susan, I totally understand. I'm only just a week out, but I KNOW all those crunchy, salty, CARB-loaded things could very easily become my downfall. So I'm going to offer you a very gentle kick in the rear, in hopes that you'll do the same for me when I need it (and I'm SURE I will, LOL). First, get most of it out of the house. If you feel bad throwing it in the garbage, bring it to work. I know everyone says this, and I've never done it in my life. But the reality is, for those of us who love this stuff, if it's there, it WILL call to us. Don't leave a little for "just when you'll have a treat", because clearly that's not working for you right now. You can try it again later. Second, try doing a little exercise maybe? When we feel like munching, it is definitely counter-intuitive to hop on the treadmil or start doing crunches, but they say if you just force yourself to do it for 10 minutes, you'll probably keep it up even longer. And if you stop after 10 min, you will still have interrupted that urge. Third, if you really feel like you have to have something to much once in a while, try putting a couple of better alternatives in the pantry. Lots of people on the boards have said pork rinds. I've never had them, and in fact it's a bit of a mystery to me as to what they actually ARE but people do eat and like them. And they certainly do look crunchy!! And they have protein in them. Also almonds would be a good choice. If they are fresh, and nice and salty, that would do the trick. You could even warm them in the oven. YUM. and filled with omega-3's and some protein. Last but not least, don't beat yourself up. Strengthen your resolve. Get up. Get away from the evil carbs. Brush yourself off. Remember why you wanted this. I wonder if we could dig up some recipies for something good and crunchy to make ahead and store in single-serving baggies or something? If I find any I'll post them..... will you do the same? GO FOR IT!!!!!! Don't give up just from this relatively minor setback!! You can definitely do this!!!! Marie 1 week out 295/ goal 145?
Susan Hegarty
on 2/16/05 11:36 pm - Easton, PA
Hi Marie Thanks so much for all your kind words and welcome to the losing side . Susan
on 2/18/05 7:07 am - NJ
Susan, Thanks so much!!! How are you doing the past couple of days? Is the head hunger any better? If so, how did you make it go away? Went for my 1-wk follow up. Thought I had a hernia but it was just a really bad pain. Whew! I lost 20 lbs. since he first took my weight in January. I think I lost a couple of pounds before surgery so I'm not sure exactly how much I've lost since WLS. But hell, I'LL TAKE IT!!! Now I can progress to yogurt, pudding, etc. I'm having a terrible time trying to get in all my protein! Marie 295/275/145?
Susan Hegarty
on 2/18/05 9:47 am - Easton, PA
Wow, you are doing great!! You should be very proud of yourself. My head hunger is a bit better now. I just didn't buy anymore pretzels after the last bag . It's amazing how simple the solution is sometimes. I tell myself daily..JUST SAY NO ! Take it easy on yourself in the beginning, you will do fine. Have you tried It may be a little soon for you to use it but it's a great site to track all your progress. Try the slimfast carb option shakes, they taste pretty good and have 20g protein per can, very low in sugar and carbs. String cheese worked for me in the beginning too as well as ricotta cheese, but a little sauce on it and some mozzarella, nuke it for a minute and whamo, you have instant lasagna . Keep up the good work and keep me posted on your progress Susan LAP RNY 11/24/04 375/306/190
on 2/18/05 8:27 am - Seaside Heights, NJ
OMG I've had the head munchies SO bad today. The good news is that I do not have anything bad in the house. So I made SF pistachio pudding with Carb Countdown and added 2 scoops of protein powder. Tastes great and 15 grams of protein per serving. Carol
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