Bummer Of A Week

on 1/14/05 2:21 am - Elizabeth, NJ
Hi Everyone: It's a dreary Friday here in New Jersey and it's been a bummer of a week for me. I've had a cold since Sunday and today is the first day I've really felt like myself. One thing I found out about being sick this week is that it's a great way to jump start weight loss again. I've mamaged to lose 8 pounds this week. I guess it's because I haven't been eating the way I normally do. I have only been eating light foods and drinking muy protein shakes. You know I must have been sick because I haven't been to the gym this week, just staying in bed and taking my medicine. I know that I'll get the 8 pounds back once I get back on my feet again. I want to go to the gym so bad today but my wife is begging me not to push myself too soon so I'll take her advice and wait till Monday. Till next time, Jesse 373/190/-183
on 1/14/05 3:39 am - NJ
Jesse- I know exactly how you feel this week. I cant shake this cold I've had for 7 days now. My tummy isnt cooperating and the only thing I've been able to keep down is dry stuff like crackers and pretzel sticks. Not even protein shakes are staying down. I thought the days of the picky pouch were long over. I lost 5 lbs this week alone. The weather isnt helping at all... all dark and dreary is making me feel worse. Hope you're feeling better soon! Sure wish I were -Janine 320/175/-145
on 1/15/05 5:09 am - Cranford, NJ
Jesse, Hope you are feeling better! ~Kristin
Susan Hegarty
on 1/15/05 8:13 am - Easton, PA
Hi Jesse I am sorry you are sick, I hope you feel better soon. I was sick and out of work for 2 weeks. There is a nasty bug going around NJ . I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed and the coughing was so severe I was passing out. What bothered me the most was not being able to work out. Now I am feeling better and back on track. Again, I hope you feel better soon. Susan LAP RNY 11/24/04 374/325/190
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