Hair Loss

Cheri M.
on 1/8/05 11:54 am - NJ
Hi Everyone.. I am almost 6 months out and down 105 lbs, I feel great with one huge problem.. hair loss. I know that my protein intake is not great. I have been working on this, but until now I have not been able to stomache any protein drinks or bars. My nutritionist has been working on getting as much protein enriched foods in my diet, but its still not enough. The past week, i forced myself to go back to the drinks. (the smell and taste used to make me throw up and i have tried many different flavors). Well I am now getting a minimum of 50 grams per day.. hoping to increase to at least 60. Has anyone else had the hair loss problem and will it eventually stop? Its to the point now that I tear up in the shower when i see all the hair on my hands after shampooing.. its scary.. any ideas anyone?
on 1/9/05 3:58 am - Lyndhurst, NJ
Although I personally have yet to have the surgery it is my undestanding from friends of mine that have had it that hair loss is expected. It is not just from protein intake but also from hormone adjustment. If it is at the point where you are seriously concerned I would suggest talking to your Doctor. But from what I understand it happens at about 6 months out and lasts about 6 months. Then it returns to normal. In the mean time try on some hats and scarfs Hope this helped. Kathy
on 1/9/05 4:26 am - Howell, NJ
Cheri, have you tried the world wide in can at Votimaine world? they come in vanilla, choclate, strawberry,banana creme. they have 35 grms protien per can and taste decent. i know some of the drinks are gross i am pre op and have tried many. but those are really not bad. check them out joyce
on 1/9/05 10:09 am - Bridgewater, NJ
I encourage you to do whatever you have to do to get your proper amount of protein in, but sadly, you will continue to lose hair for a while anyway. I promise you will get through it and that it will come back. Some people I know have gotten their hair cut shorter, reducing the weight of the hair can make it a bit more bouncy and fuller looking. And I held off on bleaching my roots during the hair loss phase b/c I figured I didn't want to stress out the hair that was still hanging in there, but that might not have been a problem - I just figured I'd be cautious. Your protein is critical to your health, which is more important than your hair, so try to "suck it up" (hmm... a pun...) I had trouble with shakes when I was first post-op but I did get over it and I do at least one worldwide pure protein shake (35g) a day - you can get them from Vitamin Shoppe or GNC (or plenty of places on the internet if you feel like paying for shipping). Good luck
on 1/9/05 11:45 am - NJ
Hey Cheri- At 6 months out I started losing hair too. It lasted until this month (9mos out) I tried upping protein, vitamins, everything!!! The bad news... Nothing helped. My dr says its something everyone goes through. Good news.... it stops and you dont go totally bald, just thins out. My hair is actually looking healthier now than before surgery... Something to look forward to! All my best- Janine
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