Question ???

on 1/8/05 12:48 am - Harrisburg, PA
Has anyone sneezed and did damage? I was really doing well in recovery (10 days post op) when on Wednesday I sneezed 3 times.. I have a little pain around my belly button on the left side and I'm thinkng that I just pulled something... too damn stubborn to call the doctor of course and figure that with a muscle there isn't much you can do but rest it.. Today it feels much better, but just wondered if anyone else had this misfortune...
on 1/8/05 5:13 am - Beautiful, NJ
Hi,.. During the first 2 weeks, any time I sneezed or coughed it felt like I was hurting something. You still have fresh wounds inside of you, regardless of how they look on the outside. My discomfort passed, if yours doesn't.. please don't be stubborn,.. call the doctor. Good after care is your strongest weapon for a good recovery without complications. Good luck, Laura C.
on 1/9/05 11:27 am - NJ
Hi Tammy- I remember that feeling! Try keeping a pillow near you for the first couple of months and press it lightly against your stomach when you sneeze or cough. It helped a little. Hope you feel better -Janine
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