Just a couple of questions...

on 1/2/05 3:07 am - Harrisburg, PA
First of all I am 6 days post op and I am having a little trouble getting up and around. My surgeon wanted us to be up and walking in the hospital, which I did, but now that I am home, I have pain from that lower incision (which is normal) and it goes around to my back.. not sure if I need to suck it up and run a marathon to make it stop or try stretching out the pain... Any suggestions? Also I know everyone is different, however I was wondering what everyone was able to do at home during the 1st week post op? Thanks...
on 1/2/05 4:56 am - vinelan, NJ
Hi. congrats on your surgery and making it thru it. i just wanted to tell you that for the first week i slept on my recliner in my bedroom which did cause me back pain. i walked around hunched over alittle also, which caused back pain also. it'll get better. i was able to walk around pretty much fine tho. i even did dishes. yes, the dr wants you to walk around but no marathon. my dr actually didn't tell me to start walking a mile a day until i went back on my two week visit to get my staples removed. that's when he told me to walk that much. you must remember that you did just have a major surgery and you should take it easy until your dr tells you what to do. good luck sue ps- what are you allowed to eat now? i was allowed to eat broths, creamed,strained soups, yogurt, jello, etc....
Kathy S.
on 1/2/05 5:53 am - Rio Grande, NJ
Tammy You are doing great! I was exhausted for about 6 weeks. I also slept in the recyliner for two weeks until the staples were removed. Remember you had major surgery and it takes time for your body to heal. I would get wash in the morning and then take a nap. I was exhausted. Everyone is different just listen to your doctor and your body. Every doctor is different. Best wishes and before you know it you will be feeling like your old self. Kathy
on 1/2/05 6:31 am - Bridgewater, NJ
Are you taking pain medication? If not, you may want to take some so that you can move, just be careful not to overdo.
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