Tomorrow is the big day !!
Well I am counting down the hours at this point. I have to be in Morristown at 6:30am to check in and then by 8:30am I should be on the table. Has anyone found any protein shakes that they really like? I picked up a can of Carb Solutions (Vanilla) and I ordered some samples; I realize this is late in the game but I just had class on Wednesday night, so I am behind on everything. Any words of wisdom???
first of all good luck on your new adventure your taking. Mine is 2/1 I can't wait!
I have founr that the proplete banana from bariatric eating is really good as are the other flavors. I alos bouthg unflavored. but locally i went to vitamine world and discovered world wide pre mixed cans, the flacvors are banana, vanilla, choclate, strawberry. I like all of them they have 35 grs protien per can and they go down smppth and not a bad aftertaste. I hope this helps i will keep you in my prayers.