I am having surgery on the 20th

gerilynn H.
on 12/18/04 11:54 am - leesburg, nj
i am very nervous and i have so many thoughts going through my head. one minute i am excited and the next i get so nervous that i get sick to my stomach. i have talked to many people who have had the surgery done and they say it was the best decision they ever made and that my surgeon is one of the best around. (dr. slotman) i could really use some support from post ops and pre ops that are having surgery around the same time as me
on 12/18/04 11:10 pm - Egg Harbor City, NJ
Gerilynn, First thing you need to do is sit back and relax for a moment. Take 10 deep breaths and think of nothing else for 2 minutes. Now... What you need to do is make yourself a Pro and Con list. Pro- why you are having surgery/ Con- why you shouldn't. Now look at the list. My guess is that most of your reasons for having WLS revolve around your health issues. These are very real problems that will effect how you live the remainder of your life. How ever long that may be will be effected by your contiual weight gain. Now look at the Cons. My guess is that all of them revolve around FEAR issues. The surgery not working, the possible complications, questions you don't have answers for, the worry over not eating any more, etc. FEAR simple means (F)alse (E)vidence (A)ppearing (R)eal. You are getting yourself worked up over things that you can not control. Yes there is a small chance of problems, but it is not something you can control. Dr Slotman is also my surgeon. I had WLS 7 weeks ago and you know what? Any fears I had have all been washed away!! I have had no complications, I eat just fine, I have lost 60 lbs and 30 body inches, and I feel better than I have felt in the last 5 years. This surgery is all about saving your life and no matter what your FEARs are that is the most important thing. I don't know if you believe in God or not, but for me I know that the Lord brought me thru this so that I could continue to live. If he was done with me on this earth WLS would have never been an option and at 545 lbs I would have died at a very young age. Do you go to a support group? I have found this to be a vital aspect in alleviating my fears and giving me a place to turn to when I have questions. I see you are in Leesburg? Isn't that in South Jersey? Email me off list and I would be happy to intro you to my support groups email list and if you are in South Jersey we meet in Pitman. Let me know and I will help you. Good Luck tomorrow and I will see you on the Losing side. By tommorrow you too will be a loser!! Hugs Diane Take solace in knowing that you are not alone here and that you are going to be fine. Dr Slotman is a wonderful, kind, and caring surgeon and he will get you thru!!
gerilynn H.
on 12/19/04 3:55 am - leesburg, nj
thank you so much for the courage you just gave me. i know i will be fine and i have faith in dr. slotman i am just nervous. thank you so much
Susan Hegarty
on 12/19/04 8:42 pm - Easton, PA
Hi Gerilynn It is so normal what you are feeling. I was a basket case a week before surgery ! To the point where I was having panic attacks and could no longer drive at night, which wasn't a good thing, considering I had an hour commute to and from work. My doctor prescribed me Xanex and I just finally said to myself, this has to stop! I prayed so hard and sked God to help me and take away these feelings of panic. Long story short, I never filled the script and was at peace for the rest of the time. When you find yourself freaking out, think of something else, pray and know that all that walked this path before you experienced the same thing and it's ok. You will do great!!! Best of luck to you on your upcoming surgery and may God hold you in the palm of his hand. Susan
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