Help..Don't think I am eating enough???

Susan Hegarty
on 12/11/04 7:21 am - Easton, PA
Hi (((Everyone))) I don't think I am eating enough throughout the day. I am feeling a little weak lately. I find that I get full very quickly, so I just stop and drink fluids the rest of the day. I know my body needs the nourishment and I am a little concerned. I understand that being overweight, I won't die from lack of food But like I said I feel as though I am not getting adequate nutrition. Is there something I can drink or eat that won't give me that fast full feeling and at the same time keep me healthy. I have no problem with cheeses, puddings and broth, but I don't think that will do it. I could be wrong Thanks and God Bless. Susan
Kathy S.
on 12/11/04 9:52 am - Rio Grande, NJ
Hi Susan I am so glad that you are doing so great. I didn't eat much for at least 4 months. You just had your surgery. I only ate two oz. Three times for at least 8 weeks. I felt weak for about 9 weeks. I was exhausted just walking from the front of my house to the back. My doctor told me this was normal. I had my surgery in June and by the end of August I was feeling like my old self. Remember you had an operation and it takes time for your body to heal. Also I feel that after the operation our body is in shock. Our body is used to food food and more food. This is a change for us. Remember to rest and before you know it you will be feeling like your old self. Good luck Kathy
Susan Hegarty
on 12/11/04 11:04 am - Easton, PA
Hi Kathy Thank you so much for your support and kind words. And I just want to say, YOU LOOK MARVELOUS!!! Susan
Susan Hegarty
on 12/11/04 11:04 am - Easton, PA
Hi Kathy Thank you so much for your support and kind words. And I just want to say, YOU LOOK MARVELOUS!!! Susan
Susan Hegarty
on 12/11/04 11:04 am - Easton, PA
Hi Kathy Thank you so much for your support and kind words. And I just want to say, YOU LOOK MARVELOUS!!! Susan
on 12/12/04 9:35 pm - Bridgewater, NJ
Susan, Does your doctor advise that you have protein shakes? If so, I'd recommend doing them. My doctor does/did. So soon post-op, you won't be able to finish one in one sitting but they are the most nutritious option. They do give you a full feeling. They have premade ones and powder that you mix yourself. You can get them at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe, or online at lots of different places. Jen
on 12/12/04 10:46 pm - New Brunswick, NJ
Hi Susan, Glad to hear you are doing so well. You need to eat about every two hours. Not a lot but just something in your stomach to keep you from having low blood sugar. Yogart is great. I am now 7 months out and still eat about every two hours. By eating I mean a nutricious snack. I usually have a protein shake of Sugar Free Carnation Instant Bfst., 8oz of milk, and one scoop of Designer Whey protein powder every morning. That little concoction is worth 30 grams of protein and is about 240 calories. I have that every morning at 7:00am and it keeps me going until about 9:15ish when I have a little low fat peanut butter on a piece of toast. You are most likely not ready for that yet, but you will be soon. Dr. A will give you the one month list and you will basically be able to eat everything then. Just take it slow and don't overdo. You'll probably be instructed to take those multi vitamins and B-12 at your one month too. Drinking water and juice is good too. Hope this helps. Sherri
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