Rallying support for one of our docs.....

on 11/28/04 11:18 am - Toms River, NJ
I am looking for any patients past or present of Doctor Romanelli. I am sure many of you are aware of the terrible burden malpratice insurance puts on all doctors but especially on bariatric surgeons who perform gastric bypass and also gynecologists/obstericians. Because of this, we may lose Dr. Romanelli and therefore the program at Jersey Shore Medical Center. While it may not help, any effort certainly can't hurt. We need to do something before it is too late. I saw him on 11/24 and he doesn't know if he can continue to practice here or not. He is hoping for some support from Jersey Shore and they are trying to help, but I think we need to put some pressure on someone to let them know how important it is to keep him in New Jersey, particularly at Jersey Shore. Most of you realize there are no other bariatric surgeons in our area who do bypass surgery. Those of you who have met with Doc Romanelli know how special he is. He isn't just a surgeon, he is a great doc and a caring supportive one as well. Something you just don't find everyday. We need him to continue his program at Jersey Shore, and we need to do whatever we can to keep him here. I am up for suggestions - a rally, letters, phone calls.....whatever it takes.........anyone interested, please contact me at [email protected] . We don't have much time so time is of the essence. If we want them there for us, we need to be there for them. He said that any help is welcome. Let's help keep him here. Pat
on 12/4/04 11:36 am - NJ
This is not exactly a response to your request. Sorry, I live in the northern-most part of the state. I was just wondering, though, what is your Dr.'s first name? I went to school with someone by that last name, who I last heard was studying to become a doctor. I guess he would be in his mid/late thirties. Thank you so much.
on 12/25/04 11:53 pm - Toms River, NJ
HI, Sorry for the delay in response to your question. His name is John. He is a New Jersey native. I can't guess his age - but if I took a wild stab at it, I would guess early forties although it could be late thirties. The sweetest man I ever met. What a loss to all potential NJ patients. At our last support group meeting, there was an enormous turnout of all his prior patients and we were all crying...... So sad.......... Pat Brick, NJ
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