New Doc New Consult Need Advice

Kimberly L.
on 11/22/04 1:26 am - Mt. Holly, NJ
Hi everybody! Well things have been a little hectic trying to find a new dr. that takes my insurance but I did, the only thing is I'm not sure whether I should be happy about it or not. I haven't really heard anything about this dr. on the boards. His name is Dr. Gary Korus and he works out of Presbyterian Hospital in Philadelphia which is associated with HUP. I was trying to schedule an appt. with Dr. Noel Williams or Dr. Steven Raper out of HUP but they were really backed up and they referred me to Dr. Korus. If I waited for Dr. Williams office the first available consult appt. was March 16th. I have an appt. with Dr. Korus on November 30 and they said if all goes well I could have my surgery by late Jan. early Feb. I had originally planned for mid December at Barix and waiting til Jan or Feb isn't a really big deal but any longer is going to be very hard. I guess I just feel uneasy because I haven't heard of anybody else using this Dr. maybe I'll feel better after my consult? If anybody has any advice or words of wisdom I'd appreciate it.
on 11/22/04 3:09 pm - Howell, NJ
Kimberly, sorry I do not know him, but make sure your in surce let you go out of state for the operation and you do not get stuck with a big bill since you live in NJ. I know someone who got a huge bill because they used a doc in NJ. there is a new doc at centra state a Dr noyan a lot of people are now using he is at Freehold I am not sure where Mt Holly is. good luck and god bless I had to wait a year for the doctor I wanted but at least I know he is good and has done over 1,000 so I feel comfortable. Also make sure you ask this doc how many surgries, fatalities ect best of luck joyce
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