anyone interested in trading products? Pre-ops please read

on 11/20/04 8:43 am - Howell, NJ
Hello guys, i had a idea that if I could find someone who wanted to order products togeather and split the products in equal parts. I know all the products are costly and this would allow us to have more variety if each one would order a different flavor and the exchange half for another flavor. We could have more variety and not be stuck with something you did not like. I am ordering some proplete bananna and vanilla from the bannana is awlsome and some more samples to see what else i reall like my surgery is 2/1 and i need to start getting products here for when I get home. so if anyone is interested I just think this would be a cost effective and great way to have many more flavors on hand at a lower cost to each person.Let me know, i have tried the nectar peach and to me it was nasty! lots of people love it so I would not like it but i am trying the lemonaid nectar later to see i f i like it. take care and god bless Joycelyn howell,nj
on 11/20/04 9:42 am - New Jersey, NJ
Joycelyn, I think it's a good idea, but I'm not sure how many takers there are. I had problems finding protein drinks I liked....and what you like NOW might not be what you'll like POST OP. My best suggestion to you (and I'm sure you'll hear this from other people, too) is that if you really must stock up pre op...stock up on samples. Your tastes are going to change a LOT once you've had WLS and you do NOT want to get stuck with a huge (or half a huge) container of protein powder. If you must buy big containers, do so RIGHT BEFORE WLS at GNC. GNC will take back items--even if opened--but only, I think, for within 30 days of purchase date. Almost every site sells samples including Susan Maria's (,, and I think even Even GNC sells samples... I did the same thing...stocked up pre-op despite everyone's telling me not to. I'm not telling you not to prepare--just to prepare in smaller doses! But not base all of your purchases on what tastes good to you now. Trust me/us when we might not like it later. And hey, we're neighbors! I'm in Jackson. If you need anything, let me know! Sandi
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