Susan Hegarty
on 11/19/04 4:10 am - Easton, PA
Today is my last day of work, I submitted all the paperwork for my short term disability, and wrapped up all the lose ends. My coworkers have been so wonderful. I actually got a few gifts and cards which I wasn't expecting. Everyone is supporting my decision and can't wait to start seeing my progress, which means so much to me. I couldn't believe all the hugs I got today..lol. I went to my PCP yesterday and she prescribed me Xanex for the panic attacks and said it will help me to relax. I haven't filled the script yet, instead I have been talking to God alot and I feel much more grounded. I am excited to start this journey and get to the other side. I am so grateful to be given this chance to truly change my life. As scared as I am, I know that it will all turn out as it is meant to be. I am also so thankful for you all on this board for being there for me and sharing your experience, strength and hope. 4 days and counting.... Susan
louella H.
on 11/19/04 4:50 am - millville, nj
Hello Susan You are going to be just fine!!! My nerves are acting out too...Move around as much as possible this weekend, will help feel better and your body will thank you after you are on the losing side. Drink lots of water and give your self lots of hugs and And remember....we are all only a away. Lu
Susan Hegarty
on 11/21/04 8:31 am - Easton, PA
Hi Lu Thanks for the suggestions. I did like you said and it did help. (((Hugs))) to you also! Susan
on 11/19/04 5:59 am - New Brunswick, NJ
Susan, This is the time when God really gives you peace. You'll do great! If I get a chance, I'll stop up at RWJ to see you. I'll keep yo uin my prayers. Call me. Sherri
Susan Hegarty
on 11/21/04 8:28 am - Easton, PA
Thank you Sherri and God Bless Susan
Kathy S.
on 11/20/04 4:24 am - Rio Grande, NJ
Susan Can you believe you are having surgery. I remember you post about being discouraged and about your insurance company. It told you everything would be fine. Remember the advice I give everyone. Put a smile on your face, positive thoughts, and a new altitude. If you go into surgery with that smile you will wake up with one. Please have someone post about your operation, so we know everything went well. Please post or e-mail if you need us. I wish I lived closer to be there for you. Hugs Kathy
Susan Hegarty
on 11/21/04 8:29 am - Easton, PA
Hi Kathy Thnak you so much, you are such a sweet person and very thoughtful. I promise I will try to smile. Susan
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