what should i do?

on 11/9/04 10:05 am - DURHAM, NC
Hello guys and gals, I have a huge problem...once i began having the required test for WLS aprroval I had to have a sleep study done...Well the study showed that I have moderate sleep apnea that can be control with the CPAP, so they then scheduled me to come back in for setting the numbers so I can get the machine, well now the problem is I've been approve and have a surgery date for Nov.18 and a pre-op on Nov.12(friday) but I have to stay overnight in the sleep lab at Duke Hospital on Nov.11(thurs) and the study doesn't end until 7am and I have to be in Fayetteville for pre-op by 8am which just isn't possibly....I'm afraid that if I don't go for the cpap thing they will reshedule my surgery date....does anyone know if i have to have this before surgery?please help! Tina
Denise W.
on 11/9/04 11:01 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
That really depends on your surgeon Tina. Our surgeon wouldn't schedule our surgery date until we had all our tests finished, so I'm surprised your surgery date was set. I'd call and ask him/her Since you've been approved, your insurance obviously doesn't have a problem with it, but your surgeon might. Best to check. Good luck! Denise RNY 5/6/03 364/175 lbs size 34 to size 10!
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