Susan Hegarty
on 11/5/04 4:21 am - Easton, PA
OK, just when I thought Cigna couldn't possibly **** me off any more than they already have whamo! I am absolutely at my end with them. After waiting almost 3 weeks now on my 2nd level appeal, calling every day and speaking to tons of incompetant reps I am told today that a letter was mailed to me yesterday to tell me that all 2nd level appeals should have gone to my companies HR dept. It took them three weeks, 5 faxes and 2 overnight mailings to tell me this!! So I take a few deep breaths and go to my HR manager explaining the entire story from beginning to end. It turns out they do handle the 2nd level appeals and she is going to do her best to expedite this for me. It has to go in front of the board and our company lawyer. Since my surgery is scheduled in 2 weeks hopefully they will be able to move quickly. HR is filing a complant against Cigna for the complete mishandling of my case and misinformation, not to mention all the time and stress this has caused me. Well, thanks for letting me vent yet again, boy I could sure use a good cry or hug or something.. Susan
Dawn H.
on 11/5/04 1:25 pm - Jersey CIty, NJ
Susan FIrst of all . heres that hug you need (((((((((((((SUSAN))))))))))) Keep up your persistance I know you are getting frustrated... but looks like you are making some headway here. You have alot of people pulling for you and you know you have many on here Rooting for you and praying for you.. Hang in thereDawn
Susan Hegarty
on 11/6/04 5:39 am - Easton, PA
Hi ((((Dawn)))) Thanks for the hug. I hope all is well with you, you look great!! Yes, Cigna is driving me to drink!! But I am giving it to God and reminding myself that everything happens for a reason and this will all work out like it's supposed to. I always have United to fall back on, but I have a positive feeling knowing it's in my employers hands now. Talk to you soon. Susan
Laura H.
on 11/5/04 8:40 pm - Belford, NJ
I'm so sorry Cigna has made things so hard on you . ((((((((HUGS))))))))) Good luck with you 2 nd appeal hopefully things will all work out in the end. Laura
Susan Hegarty
on 11/6/04 5:41 am - Easton, PA
Hi Laura Thanks so much for the hug and being in my corner. I will keep everyone updated if I get any new news. I really love this site, and all the people, like yourself, who are so supportive. Susan
crystal P.
on 11/5/04 10:52 pm - millville, NJ
Susan, EEEEEEGadddss!!!!! If it helps,,,,I have a really good feeling about this step. Hang in there and try to destress> Lu
Susan Hegarty
on 11/6/04 5:43 am - Easton, PA
Hi Lu I hope you are right about that good feeling. I have been keeping busy to take my mind off of it for a while. This process is enough to make anyone a little nuts huh? Thanks for thinking of me. God bless. Susan
on 11/6/04 7:53 am - east windsor, NJ
RNY on 11/09/04 with
Hi, sorry to see u struggle like this, I am confedant that u will win this! call me tomorrow...hugs, Lori
on 11/8/04 1:37 am - Cranford, NJ
Susan, Sorry to hear Cigna is giving you such a hard time. It does seem like you are finally getting somewhere. Try to keep your patience, I know how hard that can be. Stay positive, think of the future and how you will be laughing at this situation after having your surgery and losing all your weight!! Good things come to those who wait! ~Kristin
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