Waiting, Waiting, Waiting..Cigna is the absolute worst!!!

Susan Hegarty
on 10/26/04 9:26 am - Easton, PA
Well, here I am, getting lots of practice with my patience and my trust in God to know what is best for me. My surgeon submitted all my clinical over a week ago to Cigna and guess what? They don't have a record of it!! Suprising? NAH!! They have given me 3 fax numbers and 2 different addresses to re-send it to and so far they still claim they don't have it. So before I get in my car and hand deliver it to them I decided to send it Certified Next Day maill..lol. I am going to give it a couple more days then call them again to see if they have it yet. I have to really question why I resubmitted to Cigna in a 2nd level appeal when I could have just waited for United Healthcare to kick in on 11/29 and gone the easier route but it seems like I always chose the more stressful way of doing things ...lol. So I continue to sit and wait for Cigna to render a decision, that is when and if they ever claim to have received my 46 page appeal!! LOL . Thanks for listening and sorry for all the sarcasm, I'm just a little stressed out. God bless.. Susan
on 10/26/04 9:52 am - millville, NJ
Hello Susan, Thank you for all the information on Cigna and there slow uncaring ways. It is open-enrollment month for State and I will not ever go CIGNA. I presently have Health-Net soon to have AmeriHealth. I can't wait to see what tricks they will be up to. Do not stress over it. When the time is right it will happen. Give your self a HUG!!!!! This is a jouney we are all on together. And remember.....we are all just a away!!!! Hugs....Lu
Susan Hegarty
on 10/26/04 11:44 am - Easton, PA
Hi Lu Thanks so much for the hugs, I can always use one. I am trying not to be stressed and just give it to God it's just so hard when we know how important this decision is to all of us and the insurance companies are so insensative. Thanks again, and best of luck to you also. Susan
on 10/31/04 10:12 pm - east windsor, NJ
RNY on 11/09/04 with
OT. where have u been girlfrend? any news yet?miss ya cya soon, Lori
Susan Hegarty
on 11/1/04 12:28 pm - Easton, PA
Hey Lori , we keep missing each other. I'm still waiting on Cigna and of coarse they are taking their sweet time. Hope to catch ya soon. Your big day is approaching!! Sue
Kathy S.
on 10/27/04 10:56 am - Rio Grande, NJ
Susan Please be patient and please have positive thoughts. Everything will work fine for you. Just remember we are here for you. Before you know it your surgery will be scheduled. Take care and remember that you have waited so long that this is just a short detour. Take care Kathy
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