15 Month Anniversary Post!

on 10/16/04 8:09 pm - Toms River, NJ
Yesterday was 15 months since WLS and what a journey it has been - both in terms of my weight loss and my personal life. Just a summary - started at 336 pounds, have lost 175 pounds down to 161 and am just a short 11 pounds away from my personal goal of 150! My health is great - all co-morbidities gone! No more diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, hi cholesterol, stress incontinence or hi blood pressure! My Drs are thrilled with my progress. I have incredible amounts of energy and am today participating in a 5-mile Breast Cancer walk in a nearby town. Could never have hoped to do something like that before. On a sadder note, this past May I lost my beloved husband of 27 years to prostrate cancer and I miss him terribly. I know he would have been on the sidelines cheering me on! However, I am determined to make 2005 MY YEAR! After raising my kids to adults, loving and losing my DH, and losing all this weight, it is now MY TURN! I'm going to be a bit selfish -- I will somehow manage to get my PS done in 2005 -- don't know how I will pay for it yet, but will take a second mortgage or loans out if necessary. I also intend to start dating again - what a concept at my age - not looking for any relationship - just want to have some fun - stop being lonely - and with a bit of luck - not get hurt or hurt anyone else in the process. In any case - I want to wish all my wonderful OH buddies (and you know who you are!) who have been so supportive of me this past year or so, continued success and a bunch of hugs! Good luck to all on this incredible WLS journey.... Lap RNY 6/16/03 -- 336/161/150
jersey girl
on 10/17/04 11:54 pm - MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ
You go girl! For all that you have been through, you have the most remarkable attitude. Good luck and my continued best wishes. JG 284/163/150?
on 10/18/04 1:06 am - Parsippany, NJ
Hi Nannette, WOW ... what a year you have had. I read your posts all the time. I am just about at where you were in the beggining and I hope to be as successful as you when I am 15 monthes out. You have really done good.. Keep up your spirit and don't let anything get in your way.. I'm rooting for you...
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